(small) Bike Things You've Done Today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Qui est l'autre motarde?
  2. Commander in Chief House.
    Mon épouse. :cool:
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  3. Got the tank into primer just so I could see what imperfections still remain… lots
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  4. did 100 odd miles and then washed the bike, shite everywhere, number plate was unreadable
  5. Ghost plate?
  6. Taxed the SL and just took it for a quick spin. Very different to my new SS, pulls well, sounds great. Need to get some miles on it
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  7. Fixed the gear shift on the young lad down the roads 765 Street Triple. Luckily for him I had all the parts needed in my spares box.
    Got a nice warm glow from doing that. He learnt a bit on the way too.
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  8. Went out and looked at all the bits that need to come off my bike and go on the new one. It’s quite a comprehensive list!
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  9. Ordered some exactfit high output coils for my 900 SL.
    Also ordered some Oxford hot grips for my scooter.
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  10. Does the warm glow mean it’s the start of a bromance?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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