Fined For Not Insuring A Tax Exempt Bike.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Paul55, Mar 6, 2025 at 9:21 PM.

  1. My understanding is if tax and or insurance run out on a vehicle you need to SORN the vehicle as you can't use it without both of them.
    Otherwise you need to renew your insurance to keep it legal and yours has run out
  2. Completely agree with you.

    I'm of the same "certain" age I imagine, and think the government is just looking to gain a few £££'s more in fines. Rather than charge un-sorned bike/car owners for of the road vehicles, which no doubt some jumped up tit in the DVLA would say encourages us to not keep our VED up to date- I think increasing the fines on those people actually using vehicles on the road without it would be far better. Fines should -imo- be applicable when a crime has been committed and keeping your bike in a shed hurts no one.

    Now whilst none of this is the fault of the Police, its my opinion that mean spirited actions like this -which originated from the Nasty Party- make the public lose more respect for the laws and by consequence our Police officers. Maybe a few Chief Constables need to open their eyes to such things and push back?

    @Paul55 sorry that you have been fined, its BS. Legal BS, but BS nonetheless.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  3. CIE has only been law since 2011 as well :thinkingface:
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  4. Indeed, the whole tax/sorn system seems to have been designed to catch people out and don't get me started on the 'double tax for the month' when you buy or sell a vehicle (unless you do it on the last day of said month).

    A few years back I had my 916 in bits whilst I was re-plating the cylinders/swapping rockers and the tax expired. I never received a reminder so as soon as I realised it had expired, I went online to tax it to then receive a fine for having no tax, even though I had paid it in arrears (the fine was more than the tax FFS) and you can't talk to anyone about it, all they will do if you call is ask you how you want to pay.

    As above, fine me if caught riding without tax but fining for no tax when vehicle not being used is just plain spiteful, didn't used to happen, how did we get here?

    Coincidentally, I received a V11 reminder today for the, free tax on my old Guzzi - nothing to pay but still need to tax it or be fined, WTF :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. CIE?
  6. If you have 40+ years old classics, as I do, this is the deal:

    Cost of vehicle tax - £ zero
    Cost of MOT - £ zero
    Cost of declaring SORN - £ zero
    If SORN has been declared,
    cost of insurance - £ zero.

    That's a pretty good deal. I'm not complaining.

    Declaring SORN takes a few seconds and costs nothing. If you don't do it, and also don't get insurance, you get in trouble.
    Embarrassing, but probably better to keep it to yourself, or admit your error shamefacedly. Better not to boast about it, and whinge indignantly.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. I’d imagine a significant driver (pardon the pun) for this is the large number of cvnts who drive/ride without licence/tax/mot/insurance.

    Unfortunate that you were caught but I guess the algorithm sees ‘Taxed’ and expects ‘Insured’ alongside it in the database, hence your fine. Doesn’t make it right but it’s a case of ‘computer says no’.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Continuous Insurance Enforcement
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Someone in government in 2011 must have had a family member or friend who owned an insurance company.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Tax expires June 2025.
  11. Makes a change from PPE I suppose. :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. But not insured!!

    it’s simple
    1 taxed and insured
    2 declared SORN! 2 mins on the computer..

    that said if you haven’t been on the road uninsured or untaxed… it is a bit unfair. I’m tempted to think you have been up the road on it recently :bucktooth:;) and pinged a camera
    Should of gone the whole hog and not registered it to you…
    On the other side I have to pay a fortune to insure and tax, so as far as I’m concerned so should everyone!
    #33 andyb, Mar 7, 2025 at 5:44 PM
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2025 at 5:51 PM
  13. Is it insured?
  14. As above. Sorn of not insured.

    I remember a couple of years ago getting a letter from DVLA warning me that I had a bike taxed but not insured and I had 2 weeks or something to resolve, either by insuring or sorn. Was handy actually: I’d forgotten to renew
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  15. As in first post third line…
  16. When you SORN it, you’ll receive the remaining tax period by way of rebate in cheque form through the post. I think the insurance bit is between you and your insurer. Once you’ve SORN’d it, insurance is optional. But you can’t take it on the road, obvs, even if you continue with the insurance.
  17. Don’t be a twat.
  18. Your insurance has expired so you should SORN vehicle even if it has tax left on it.
    You don't pay (exempt) but if you did you would get whatever tax back was left
    • Agree Agree x 1
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