New shape 848 / baby 1199?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Ducatibob848, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Look for the ones with stabilisers...
  2. Strange lack of shots from the back of the bike? So some humble pie to be eaten about the engine but not much about it not really being much of a looker. Bet its great fun to ride though.
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  3. That's you off my Christmas list
  4. Phew, thought I was gonna have to sell the 848!
  5. You're gonna spoil the surprise :mad:
  6. [​IMG]
  7. I want a white one
  8. White one with black or white wheels, don't like the red wheels.

    please... :tongue:
  9. Who is going to start up a new section? :biggrin:
  10. Matt's existential problem... What came first; the section or the 'moved'
  11. If the 848 Evo Corse didn't get it's own section then there's now way a looky likey should get one :mad:
  12. can,t see the point 4 kilos heavier and 50 bhp down ?
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  13. Price...
  14. what is the starting price ?
  15. And insurance
  16. Supermid - sounds like something I might purchase from Boots
  17. Moved to 899 section
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  18. Who was it that doubted the 899 's release?
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