Crafty Copper Spotted B676

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Hell yeah! With the points/fines/bans to prove it, including a 750 Euro on the spot fine in France! But guess what, I was guilty each and every time. Poor observation, bad luck, call it what you want, but hey, it was me twisting the throttle. No one forced me to speed, I had no good reason other than enjoying the ride! If you are speeding, with no valid reason, then don't bitch like a little kid that you got caught, man up, pay your fine, and learn from it.
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  2. In that case the guy insisted on stating that he was warning people about a police speed trap in order to prevent the police from catching them. That is definitely an offence.

    If he had said that there was a hazard ahead and he was concerned to minimise the danger by warning people about it, that would not be an offence - provided he was believed.
  3. Hiding in bushes, behind bus shelters or where ever is revenue collecting. Standing on the side of the road in full view of oncoming traffic in black spot areas in full high viz copper gear is slowing traffic and preventing accidents anyone who thinks that hidden speed traps save lives are delusional .
  4. By the way anyone used any of the camera alert iphone apps.
  5. I am totally agree with you. You are 100% good here that Status on the side of the road in complete view of onset visitors in black spot areas in complete high viz copper gear is reducing visitors and avoiding injuries anyone who believes that invisible speed barriers save lifestyles are delusional .
  6. Really? So do you suggest everyone does what ever speed they want, wherever they want? You call that safe? As for coppers only standing where you can see them so you can slow down to the speed limit, what next, using your logic, how about they give the local drug dealer a call before they put his door in so he can flush his stash down the toilet?
  7. I think you are missing the point, Nick.

    We are continuously told scamera vans etc are there for road safety reasons but how can that be if no one can see them?
  8. We can, they have signs telling you it's an area where speeds cameras are used. If you don't see the signs and slow down then whose fault is that?
  9. Seems that it's always someone else's fault, not the person who commited the offence in the first place.
  10. When there is a known black spot a visual deterrent would help prevent more accidents than a hidden camera, surely the hidden camera is only there for revenue collecting otherwise whats the point of issuing a ticket to someone lying in the hedge bottom or worse.
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  11. There are no hidden cameras in the UK and have not been since 2001 Speed Cameras | Speeding Offences | Road Traffic | Law on the Web
    They have to be brightly painted, in clear view, signposted before you get to them and if you go online you can even see where mobile cameras are being parked for the day, and yet still people whinge when they get caught.
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  12. and woe betide you if you defend yourself, or if he gets cut on the broken glass created when he smashed the window in..yeah right.

    When i was in my early 20's i lived in a real sh1thole area. crappy block of flats...a few months after id moved in, a drug dealing prostitute moved into the flat opposite and i had numerous people knocking on my door all hours.
    As i was on the ground floor there were also numerous break in attempts..eventually i started sleeping in the living room...I had my windows smashed, once on Christmas Day while i was out...
    the stories i could tell you..anyway early hours one morning these arseholes started really belting the fekk out of my front door..proper booting it...peering through the letter box (i used to hang a t shirt over it to stop the constant spying)..
    i was shitting alone etc and 2 off their head fucktards kicking and clubbing the door id had someone climbing in a few nights earlier so in fear and rage i flipped out.

    I looked thru the spy glass and they were talking, but they were obviously not leaving..
    I pulled some jeans on and trainers, went into the kitchen and pulled a clawhammer out of the drawer and went back to look through the spyglass...this prick was about to run at the door again with his mate behind him, so with a deep breath i ripped the door open and charged, screaming at the top of my voice and swung like a maniac, smacking him in the left side of his head...he went down like a sack of shit, so i hit his mate and took a chunk out of the wall...i chased him across the grass the outside.

    The first one staggered past, blood pissing out of his head, and he got my foot up his arse. How i never launched into him while he was on the floor i'll never know.

    An hour later i was in a cell talking myself out of a malicious wounding/GBH charge or some such crap..i gently explained about the whore next door etc etc and they (coppers) actually let me go..

    I never heard from the scum door kickers again, although i did get my crappy mini metro torched about a fortnight later....shame..i would really liked to have thanked them.

    Would i have killed them if they'd gained access?

    #32 funkyrimpler, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
  13. So, in short......
    You defended yourself, the police investigated and decided there was no case to answer.

    Looks like the system worked OK
  14. like you did?
  15. i think it was more like the arseholes had a lot of form and i didnt. i should never have been reported and taken down the nick in the first place pal..fkrs were trying to boot my door in and THEY reported ME...i do time for scum like that.

    Re the topic:

    The point is, I caught the copper hiding in a bush like a paedo in a playground. he had stopped on the exit of a corner, concealed his hi-viz bike on the opposite side of the road along a farmers track and was crouching in wait...he knew he was being a c*nt..the sheepish look on his face told me that much...
    This had nothing to do with preventing speeding, and everything to do with racking up the revenue. A few miles up the road near Buckminster is a long straight, why not wait there? Why not leave his bike in a safe place where it can be seen? Why not leave the blue light flashing?
    Because he was acting as a police officer, not a police constable. big difference.
    I think that most cops dont sign up for this shit..then again, they do just call it the 'job' dont they?
  16. That isn't true. They no longer have to post a list of where they might be due to a 'change in deployment'.

    Mobile Camera Routes - Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership

    I'd be quite happy to have speed cameras put in every accident blackspot, outside every school and hospital...but they wont do that as it would raise zero income and the whole exercise would end up costing the government money.
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  17. The original post referred to police concealing themselves in an attempt to catch people who are speeding not fixed well signposted cameras. So catch and punish is the name of the game is it . From my 36 years experience of riding bikes most people get done doing no more than 10 mph over the speed limit. I understand there have to be parameters but apart from those of Godly status most bikers enjoy the power of their vehicles from time to time or is that only me. So I suppose what I'm saying is most bikers at some time or another break the law and if their lucky don't get caught.
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  18. I stand corrected
  19. But you don't mind watching cop shows on the tele. :rolleyes:
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