France Speeding Ticket

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ojobear, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Just got a ticket through from a trip we did in June. You know what I'm going to ask. Shall I bother paying up or bin it?
  2. How much is it? If it's the stock 90 Euro or so I'd pay it and not have the worry next time I went to France!
  4. today a speeding ticket.
    tomorrow a european arrest warrant and extradition proceedings. ...

    you criminal :)
  6. the car hire co have your card details, no?
  7. With it being a hire car I think your stuffed, you'll probably find that if you don't pay it the hire opany will use your card details to pay it for you along with no doubt a big 'handling fee'.
  8. Check your card, they may have already charged you an admin fee for giving the Frenchies your details :wink:
  9. just get someone to take the points for ya
  10. Was he Huhne-ing around then?:biggrin:
  11. Cross border motoring offences are recognised in some of the EU, but UK has opted out of this on the grounds of data protection.

    As Steve R says, it's poker time.

    You can cancel the credit card to avoid that getting charged, credit cards are dished out like confetti, in my experience, so easy to get another.

    Then it is down to whether they can be bothered to follow it up.

    In my experience, a couple of years back in Germany in a hire car, *a mate* got flashed at 120kph in a 100kph, got a recorded delivery letter (signed for by a neighbour), then several other letters spaced approx 2 months apart.

    His credit card was never touched, the letters dried up and he has been back to Germany many times since with no ill effect (other than sweating a little when the passport control seem to take ages at their screen when entering/leaving).

    France may be different, your luck may be different - good luck with your choices.
  12. I was starting to worry about my bank balance until I saw the vehicle was a hire car :biggrin:

    If it's a fixed penalty I'd pay it in case you ever get a roadside pulling and they check back to find you owe them a lot of money in fines/costs then decide to impound your bike. If it's a court appearance I might start considering if I really wanted to go to France again.
  13. Where did you get pinged? Peage or speed camera?
  14. if they are only interested in the money then i suspect the hire company will already of named you as the driver of their car.......given them your credit card details and they would of taken the fine from you......
  15. Does it state location and speed and are you within their prosecution thresholds or is it a potential court appearance as they are after more money.............
  16. Done the right thing or bottled it deciding on which side of the fence you are. Paid it on-line last night. Thanks for all the advice. I do ride in France every year and I love the country and I did do the crime so..............
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  17. \

    you know it makes sense.............:upyeah:
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  18. I was done a few years ago in Italy. I paid up too as I travelled there a lot at the time :upyeah:
  19. Wise choice on balance.
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