More property advice,please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GLYNH, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. the up shot about living in the Scottish highlands is that most of us are incomers now so not to much of that small town bullshit.
  2. The locals are extremely friendly in my 200 person village. Many were born and bred here, went to school with each other. Always happy to help you out, so long as you share a glass of wine with them on occasion (probably in their garage or barn...)

    Youths lounging about even say "Bonjour" to you as you cycle past. Could have knocked me down with a feather.

    But then the class-conscious UK is probably different. Social strata are an obsession. One of my main reasons for emigration (that and the motorcycling, the food, the scenery and the climate and a few other things).

    I really like London - I like the buzz and the energy, the wealth and the culture. But it's quite sad at the weekends when people go to ... their homes in the country (or someone else's) leaving only tourists. But I don't want to live in London at the expense of living here. Done both.
  3. Quite right.....I do have both............

    If you have a new-ish type septic tank, they aren't a problem at all.......Mine is 13 years old. It is serviced every year and emptied every year. It has a small electric motor / gearbox that runs constantly and it was replaced a year ago....cost approx £200. You can just see it under the hexagonal coffee table in the foreground.

    Oil heating is OK if your house is fairly well insulated.......cost not an issue unless you have it on all day every day.

    #23 Ghost Rider, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
  4. Wimp
  5. So if you have a septic tank, do you still pay full water rates?
  6. nope! pay none but i have private water too
  7. Apparently you don't pay sewerage charges
  8. Just wondering about the cost off setting v maintenance and removal. We are looking at making a similar move in the next year
  9. Correct

  10. Things my village does not have......

    A pub
    A shop
    A school
    More than 137 people

    Things my village does have.......

    137 people that really care about each other
    A real ale society (at our last event, 53 of 137 attended)
    At least 10 people with motorbikes
    At least 30 petrol heads / Motorsport enthusiasts

    I love it here! I love London too, but could not live there.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Things my village does not have......

    A pub
    A shop
    A school
    More than 137 people All those apply here too

    Things my village does have.......

    137 people that really care about each other A number of well off snobs and a number of poorer snobs; all who want to stick their noses into your business and are interested only if you have problems......if you don't have problems, they don't want to know you.
    A real ale society (at our last event, 53 of 137 attended) Nah, not here....the only society here is Neighbourhood Watch and that's a half hearted effort.
    At least 10 people with motorbikes I'm the only one.....the nearest other bike is in the next village
    At least 30 petrol heads / Motorsport enthusiasts None that I know of....The most upmarket car is an SLK Merc and an old Boxter

    The most exciting thing here is the traffic jam at weekends, consisting of four horses and a combine harvester..........oh, and a visit from paulk563 when he has run out of coffee at home.

    Plus the Grace Spitfire; two Mustangs; the occassional Hurricane; a Dakota (or Silver City); The Queens Birthday flypast; stunt planes; the Lancaster once, the Flying Fortress twice; the last Concorde flight.

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