
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. It happens a lot ....
    But is mostly covered up I'm afraid .
    Or the old ticker gives up.

    I can't change anything to get rid of the stress not for a couple years or so then will be mega stressful .

    I'm just hoping to be distracted for a while
  2. Try a good meteorolgy text book, dry adiabatic lapse rates always worked for me.
  3. I end up watching really dire stuff on TV ... The other night some dire TV movie on Meatloafs life story....
    That was an all time low :(
  4. Tonight it was Jodie Marsh body building ....
    Wide awake :(
    Feeling queasy as they were eating up to 140 egg whites a day .
    I have a serious aversion to egg whites.
    She got trench mouth .... Yuk
  5. Turning some pretty things on the lathe at work :smile:
  6. my turn.
  7. morning, wat you doing on the lathe
  8. Shhhh, can't say :wink:
  9. Are you making weapons of mass destruction? :smile:
  10. A baseball bat to clonk you all on the head and put you to sleep :)
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Arrived in Italy last night and been awake since 4:15 this morning - 3:15 as far as my body is concerned. Gotta get up in 30 mins now anyway - need to be early on track at Mugello :)
  12. You take care!
  13. i am suffering with the opposite, i could sleep for a week.
  14. show-off :)
  15. I'm good at sleep. Now that it's got cooler, I can sleep for ages.
  16. Wide awake :(
    I can sleep all day and do stuff all night !
    As soon as sun goes down I wake up!
    I tried watching crap infomercials tonight :( nope wide awake !
  17. you need to get a job working nights!
  18. I used to work double day shift and nights :)
    Sadly not in position to work nights :(
    Also stupid numpties I have next door make noise and has a fog horn voice so annoying you could repeatedly bang your head against the wall.

    I needed to sleep today early night ..
    forget it :(
    now wide awake again :(

    Is anyone seriously effected by full moon?
    thats my hell each month .
  19. Not personally affected by full moon, Melanie, but scientists have recently discovered it does affect people's sleep BBC News - Full Moon 'disturbs a good night's sleep'

    Was away over the weekend doing a craft course and slept abysmally every night. Woke up about 3 yesterday morning and sat there reading the remains of my Sunday paper for about 3 hours before finally dropping off briefly. Probably hadn't helped that I'd been drinking normal tea during the day instead of the herbal stuff I usually drink at work.
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