It happens a lot .... But is mostly covered up I'm afraid . Or the old ticker gives up. I can't change anything to get rid of the stress not for a couple years or so then will be mega stressful . I'm just hoping to be distracted for a while
I end up watching really dire stuff on TV ... The other night some dire TV movie on Meatloafs life story.... That was an all time low
Tonight it was Jodie Marsh body building .... Wide awake Feeling queasy as they were eating up to 140 egg whites a day . I have a serious aversion to egg whites. She got trench mouth .... Yuk
Arrived in Italy last night and been awake since 4:15 this morning - 3:15 as far as my body is concerned. Gotta get up in 30 mins now anyway - need to be early on track at Mugello
Wide awake I can sleep all day and do stuff all night ! As soon as sun goes down I wake up! I tried watching crap infomercials tonight nope wide awake !
I used to work double day shift and nights Sadly not in position to work nights Also stupid numpties I have next door make noise and has a fog horn voice so annoying you could repeatedly bang your head against the wall. I needed to sleep today early night .. forget it now wide awake again Is anyone seriously effected by full moon? thats my hell each month .
Not personally affected by full moon, Melanie, but scientists have recently discovered it does affect people's sleep BBC News - Full Moon 'disturbs a good night's sleep' Was away over the weekend doing a craft course and slept abysmally every night. Woke up about 3 yesterday morning and sat there reading the remains of my Sunday paper for about 3 hours before finally dropping off briefly. Probably hadn't helped that I'd been drinking normal tea during the day instead of the herbal stuff I usually drink at work.