HELP NEEDED from the Forum massive! Contacting a forum member ref a bought engine!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by srad34, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Hi,
    I have bought an engine from a chap on the forum, he called me following my ad in the 'WANTED' forum.

    His name is Bob he is based in the Dorset area. He sold me a bare Ducati 996 engine at the end of August. I paid £500 for it and there was an issue during courier collection and I am now unable to contact him to resolve.

    It sounded like a genuine transaction and I had no reason to think otherwise.

    Things go wrong, I appreciate that but no engine puts me in a very difficult position financially and if either Bob or anyone that knows him can help me get in contact with me to either retrieve the engine or sort the refund of £500, this would be a massive help to me:upyeah:

    I have his number, but seem unable to get through.

    Please PM me if you are able to help

  2. Have you got his address? Send him a recorded delivery letter saying you can't get hold of him?
  3. No address as sadly as he contacted to ship the engine up (I am 350 miles oop north y'see)
  4. How did you pay for the goods?
  5. Good old bank transfer from my business account....yeah, I know, I should have used a credit card....doh
  6. well there are grounds to think a fraud has taken place. id report it to the police and try and get them to run with it.
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  7. That's where I was heading,the bank will give the police an address atleast.Please tell me the bank payee was not in Nigeria or Ghana,and the geezer had a heavy Afro British
  8. This only reinforces my distrust of anyone I am not good friends with.
  9. No, UK (South-west accent), all sounded pretty genuine and it was a UK Barclay's account. No reason to think it was scam.

    Its a big shame as it does really make you paranoid. I have bought and shipped bike parts for years in the same way and this is the first time its gone tits up :frown:
  10. Who knows maybe a genuine reason, remember when Nog disappeared owing parts and money..oh no bollox...
  11. I had a run in with an ebayer a few weeks ago who was hell bent on wanting to deal outside ebay - even though I said I wanted to keep it in ebay and said I dont mind paying the fees on top of the agreed price.
    he was mad for not wanting to do it...

    I walked away from the item - a clear case of a rip-off in waiting.

    its sad and annoying people feel they have to rob others frankly and the fact this fellow is not answering calls and is not helping your cause to establish what happened to this engine with no documentary proof of postage smacks of a dirty robbing oppotunist who has betrayed his word.

    if i was him I would be bending over backwards to prove to you I hadnt ripped you off !
    #11 Phill, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2013
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  12. annoying to read - had a couple of close ones on Ducatisti but the potential loss wasn't even close to this. Did 'Bob' have a posting history on here? Hopefully someone knowledgeable will let you know your rights as far as enquiring about personal details linked to his Bank Account considering the circumstances.
  13. I would have thought Nogg will soon be in a position to rectify any late deliveries.
  14. Any idea of his username on here?
    If he's been on here long someone may know his location,if not his actual address.
    Don't give up hope though man,sometimes sh*t happens,illness/sudden work issues etc,he may well have a genuine reason for it all going horrible
    Fingers crossed it gets sorted
  15. Thanks guys,
    No, I did not get his username as he called me after spotting my advert. I have asked Rob to look into it as the ad had 33 views so I could contact all users. Sadly address info is not mandatory so this might be a dead end.
    I have reported it today to get a crime number (just in case) and as I have his account details, I have asked the fraud team to look into it.
    Its difficult as part of me still hopes this will get sorted, but its been a week since he stopped taking my calls and its really left me in a financial fix.

    Cheers for the comments chaps
  16. The advert is probably still in the listings?
  17. It's like shooting fish for people like "Bob".

    All too easy for scammers these days.

    Fingers crossed for a positive outcome.
  18. If you have his sort code for his bank account that will help you narrow down the area possibly if he is banking close to where he lives.

    You can look up the sort code online.

    It's a lot easier to set up a dodgy bank account now in the UK which is a shame as a lot of scammers are doing this from abroad.
  19. A friend has just had his identity stolen and £45k of credit taken out in his name. The banks seem quite happy to just write the money off without investigation and the police weren't interested in the slightest except to offer him counselling for his problems.

    I'm afraid £500 is such small fry to the banks and police that neither of them will be bothered by your loss.
  20. Post his number maybe he'll answer the phone to someone else!
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