It owns nothing, has no assets, makes no money, employs hardly anyone yet is said to be worth twice that of the post office. And I thought £90m on a footballer was the world going crazy...
it has approximately 600 million users worldwide, as a platform to sell advertising space its a gold mine!
Sorry, but bollocks! Anyone EVER bought a product from a link on twatter? And what if the DPA riles change so you auto opt out of data mining?! I'm thinking using common sense here not facts, so could be way off the mark, but what earnings did they have last year? What multiple would that be? I'm going to hit google now...oh and its 200m worldwide active users, 15m in Uk. It was on tv
Anyone remember the dot com bubble and the face of the farcebook sale. I love how greed trumps historical evidence
fair comment, its 600 million ish registered users but only 200 million active users. Facebook seems to be doing ok for itself and people said the same thing when they floated on the stockmarket...
But is it? Wait til they post the accounts and investor get no returns. Still if it keeps people in work and helps prop up the tax coffers...oh no hold on its doesnt... Just had a quick look, lots of estimates and no hard facts, but seems $280m worldwide revenue in 2012 year, and even with a low cost base and if they make a full 50% net profit (which their tax deductions would suggest they dont) thats still hundreds of millions less in profit than PO with no hard assets and a forecast based on think air Dotcom is the modern medicine man sales
I think we are saying broadly similar things which is that the price estimate is vastly over estimated (as facebook was) so intial investor might loose but twatter will probably continue to opperate and the sellers will walk away smiling while the investor whinge and moan (like the facebook investors did)
FB has started mixing in advertising and random bullshit into my newsfeed. It's a step too far. I think people will get over FB in the years to come. Whereas people will always want to search the web or know where they are going or order goods on line. Google and Amazon are real businesses.
Advertising is much more subtle and clever than that. Very few people ever saw an advert and thought immediately 'wow, I must go out right now and buy that' Advertising is about generating a brand image, or creating desire, so that next time someone buys a product of that type, the advertisers brand is the most exciting / familiar / desirable. Its other purpose is to generate a desire to buy that product. Everyone in the developed world knows about Ford, but yet they still advertise. Ever notice how Audi and Mercedes adverts are very swooshy, suave and svelte? its not a coincidence that polished aluminium and leather are never far from a nice suit, pretty girl and an expensive watch in those adverts, just in the same way its not unusual to find the back seat full of kids in a Ford or Vauxhall advert. Advertising is exceptionally subliminal and clever.
Funny you should mention that - I've reduced my facebook usage for that very reason. In some ways though, despite peoples concerns about 'big brother' I think it will actually be a good thing when advertising can be linked to peoples actual spending habbits. I'd be more than happy (over the bloody moon in fact) if the number of adverts I saw were cut down, but the adverts I did see were directly relevant to products or services I actually wanted to buy or use. Targeted advertising is undoubtedly the way forward not only for the advertiser, but the consumer too.
Yes, I agree with that. I'm all in favour of targeted advertising, both as a marketeer and a consumer. But it it dodgy when adverts are mixed up in your personal communications. There is a place for advertising. Getting random SMS is not it, nor is suggesting in my news feed that there is stuff I might like. That is just another form of spam. FB is still really trying to sort out how to leverage their massive consumer database. Google is highly intelligent. Their adwords put ads for relevant searches - helpful ads. Ads on FB are always going to be intrusive, because people go to FB to interact with their mates, not to search for products. But so long as they are down the sidebar - who's complaining. Mixing them in with "news" is not clever and people won't like it.
I get advertising, we've all seen Madmen ;-) But again this whole brand presence is a moving feast. Some believe strongly, other don't. Again how many brands have been fundamentally built because of FB and Titter? I know its about share of voice and all that malarky, but really, a business that makes a few million a year worth billions?!
Can't talk about Twatter, because although I'm a member, in theory, I almost never look at it or have anything to do with it. FB is another matter. The sidebar ads arguably don't really build brands - they sell things by encouraging clicks, as Google Adwords do. But company pages help build an image with the faithful and build top of mind. Consumers want to know what their brand is up to. Strangely, I don't seem to have "liked" Ducati's page. I should rectify this. It's all a facet of "consumer relationship marketing" (which I have spent a sizeable bit of my career working in). It can be well done, or not well done. Of course, FB is free for companies who simply stick stuff on their homepage. But if you want to increase your audience, you advertise - and that costs.
Your all be buying one of those Chinese ladies you keep saying pop up on your screen next ! It's subtly brainwashing you .. " buy me .. Buy me ..., Wahhaha ! They took away the firemen I kept getting sent . I now just get SAGA holidays and Sanatigan can't spell it .. Tonic Wine ffs
I hate all Internet advertising. I wish I could just switch it off for every website I visit. I never buy from daverts on the Internet/TV or spam crap that gets shoved through the door. Im one of those rare individuals that don't follow the rest of society like sheep. If I want something I go out and get it, I make up my own mind, none of this brainwashing bollox for me. It's life in modern times I guess. Im happy living my Victorian style existance with my country home and family values, home grown veg blah blah. The only modern living I do is cars/bikes/PCs/mobiles/travel on jets/trains, watch Sky/Netflix, online forums/Facebooks etc....... Im such a hypocrite....:biggrin: