Kin Press Again!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. I just wish my life was as good as my lack of interest in "celebs" would suggest. That would be some life!
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  2. Was it John Noakes? I never did like him:mad:
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  3. More likely to have been Peter Pervert. Allegedly.
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  4. No, it was a bloke called Jimmy White (wife's name Joan). He was retired, Scottish and a cunt. John Noakes was an insecure person (in my opinion) who presented a children's TV programme. I do not know if he ever sodomised a 10 year old. The cunt White did. Sorry to be so blunt.
  5. I really don't care what the press or others think, I just hope the real perpetrators get their just desserts. Sometimes they do, other times they don't. Shit happens, we have to live our lives regardless.
  6. The phenomenon of "celebrity" is an interesting issue for debate. Whatever life they lead does not give them the right to abuse someone else, or falsely accuse someone of abusing them. The same should apply to everyone. There are too many people in it for a fast buck. In my opinion, the people, and more specifically, their advisors, are absolute scum.
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  7. Sorry fella, just trying to make light of a dark subject.

    It definitely wasn't Noakes then..?
  8. Are you deaf? :rolleyes:

  9. On reflection, it could have been Noakes impersonating a Scottish cunt, but unlikely! No offence taken chaps!
  10. I met John Noakes once when i was a kid (don't read too much into that...). He was a pleasant and decent bloke.
    #30 gliddofglood, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2013
  11. a cunt from Scotland not a Scottish cunt.
    makes you proud to be British doesn't it.
  12. Thank you for posting about this, Stressed Hippo. Glad you feel you can share some of this ancient trauma with us on this forum, and let off steam about it. It puts some of our debates and jokes into perspective. Keep well.
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  13. Thanks Pete1950. This forum, and its members, are great. We don't always agree, but we enjoy ourselves. It is part of my therapy. My best therapy is my Diavel.

    My mates mum used to wear a T-shirt with the words "fuck art, lets dance" on it.

    My version is "fuck the past, lets ride Ducatis"!!!
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  14. mines just...

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  15. The sense of this thread is he got away with it tho, which is a sad indictment of the modern UK psyche of distrust

    Piece on the news last night and they brought in the Cyril Smith cover up, started with something like 'known serial abuser Cyril Smith..'

    I'm waiting for David Frost to be exposed now he's dead and cant answer any accusations, as its seems EVERY celebrity or whatever in the 70's was doing young girls and boys
  16. Is that Cyril Smith the very fat Liberal?
  17. Very fat dead liberal
  18. Of course here in the UK we just tend to assume that someone "got away with it" if they are found not guilty - assuming that they actually did it but that it couldn't be proved. I agree with Bradders that it is a sad refelction of society's mind-set... Better than in the USA I suppose, where "celebrities" actually CAN get away with murder - especially if the court is worried that a guilty verdict would create racial unrest ( a certain ex-football player / bit-part actor comes to mind ). From my experience of the legal process it is not about the facts or about what actually happened - it's about what the lawyers can do to prevent the other side's evidence being brought to court and what they can do to discredit witnesses. Yes, I am very cynical...
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  19. Perhaps they were. Who knows. There does seem to be an inordinately high number of gays in television...
  20. Lol funny how almost none have been accused of doing boys yet thats what you latch on to...and of course anyone who packs fudge is a peodo :rolleyes:
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