Ideas for where to park outside congestion zone - heading to Park Lane

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Hi,

    ive been invited to a 2nd interview for a job at the Park Lane Hilton next week and wondered if you guys 'in the know' had a good idea of where I could park just outside the congestion zone and then tube it in?

    i presume its Hyde park station I head to but looking at the car parks near by I think the Brick street Mayfair may be about £12? And then I've got congestion to pay at £10?

    is it worth bothering with the hassle of parking up elsewhere and then paying for the tube? Obviously if its going to cost roughly the same I may as well just drive right in as at least if its raining I don't have as far to walk.

    Appreciate any help
  2. Which road would you be driving in on?
  3. straight down the M1 and which ever way my sat nav takes me to be fair :)
  4. Why not jump on at Edgeware or somewhere like that, you may find free on the road parking, tube wont be that much more either, and quicker to get out when you have finished
  5. I have previously parked at Stanmore Tube station & then taken the tube into London when attending meetings in the city.
    These days I tend to take the train from Nottingham to St Pancras & either take the Tube or walk to the meeting venue.

    I'd rather do some work on the train than put up with the hassle of the M1. At least the trains have wifi these days.
  6. You must be in first class then, because cattle class dont...
  7. You can pay to use wifi in standard class. Or you can use a USB dongle (if it will hold a signal)....
  8. Park Lane is not in the congestion zone (it is on the edge), and nor are the roads leading from the M1 down to Park Lane such as the Edgware Road. There is a largish underground car park on Park Lane (west side, so northbound) not too far from the Hilton. £12 for a day's parking in Mayfair? You've got to be kidding.
  9. To be honest I would take the train. I assume you are going to have to pay for petrol anyway so the cost should not be too much different.

    Let the train take the strain as they used to say and arrive feeling chilled and ready to go. Driving in London can be a nightmare, as can the motorways, especially where the hit London. Trains can also have issues but take a slightly early train and chill.
  10. Lol try £12 for 2 hours and you're closer
  11. Free parking around me,off junction 2 of m1 west Finchley tube.Although a return tube ticket must be nearly a fiver now?
  12. Spot on Pete, this is what I was going to suggest.
  13. Can't you get your potential workmates to valet park for you.
  14. Damodici what job position. You can park in the carpark under Hyde park access is off congestion charge. It is expensive but one off is good. Free parking for motorbikes later on.

    I just quit working for Hilton 3 weeks ago and know shenanigans of Park lane quite well.
  15. Sorry gents, its not a job working for Hilton ;)

    it just so happens that's where the interview/meeting was going to take place as the CEO is flying in from Switzerland to do this 2nd part.

    anyway, its now not there, its now at the Thistle marble arch which I think is just down the road isn't it.

    I've got to drive really, I've got another 2nd interview lined up later in the day over in Essex area. So the day will be Nottingham, central London, Essex then back home.
  16. Yep Thistle is closer to Speakers corner.
  17. In which case why not head to the essex jaunt, drop car there and train in and out
  18. You see bradders, that's why I wait for your posts ;)

    Good idea
  19. No probs, if you get the job, and its very senior and want a top end sales or project guy, I can do both very well, you know where to find is what I do :upyeah:
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