Got my log book back from DVLA after updating my address, and for the first time ever, I noticed the following. "This document is not proof of ownership, it shows who is responsible for registering and taxing the vehicle" So, my question. If pushed, how do I prove I own my bike ??? Bought it a few years ago privately for cash. Can't find the receipt now, or the advert. So, how do I prove it's mine?
You can't ... this is why checking that a vehicle is clear of all loans (HPI check) is important before purchasing!!
Exactly, how would you prove you had ??? I'm not that bothered, I'm just curious what would happen if someone pushed you to prove you own your bike?
The registration document has always listed the "registered keeper" not the owner. This is, at least in part, because if you buy a vehicle on hire-purchase the finance company owns it until you finish paying for it. Also company-owned vehicles may be registered to individual people. However, to answer your question, unless you have the original receipt you can't prove that you own it. On the plus side it's very dificult for someone else to prove that you don't...
I always do a mini contract that has details of buyer, seller, price, date and detail of vehicle. Normal for me as in Poland you will not register a vehicle without such paperwork. There is even a government template you can download.
How do you prove you own your shoes? It is only things like land and buildings where you have to have documentary proof linking the ownership to your identity. For everything else, if you are in possession of it and assert ownership, the onus is on somebody else to prove you are not the owner.
I sat my wife naked on mine and took a few photos of her holding our wedding photo over one breast and the v5 over the other. she will vouch for me
If she ever decides to leave you got no bike mate. She is on it, she has V5 in hand, she shows photo of "previous owner"