Almost all insurers do this these days. Just check the maximum cost limit for european breakdown; you might only be covered for a maximum of £250, say, so they'll just pop the money in your bank and tell you to find your own way home...
God the first post....... Then read the rest (of mine)......... You will see that................Oh fuck it, if you can't read, I'm not typing it all out again.
Just learned: Solicitor; Barrister; my friend; Assessor; Bike Repairer (the one that found the modification) and the Insurers / Underwriters meet on Monday afternoon. AL
If you're overseas Carole Nash just act as brokers for the AA who will arrange for a local company to take you to the nearest place that can do the repairs (or to a hotel if there's nowhere open) and then you have to pay to have the bike repaired but they do pay up to a set limit for hotel costs while it's being sorted out. This is really annoying if it's something you'd normally do yourself so the trick is to ask wherever it ends up to give them a few days lead time for parts to arrive and then they'll take you home. If you crash the bike they just take it somewhere to get it repaired then pay for you to get home so unless you want the bike to be written off and left over there you have to get them to give a low price to repair it but a long lead time for parts and it'll be brought home for you. In both cases it's worth telling them you're on your way home from your trip and have to be back at work on time or you'll be in serious trouble unless you want a hire car and are willing to pay for repairs if you pick the bike up on your way back from wherever you were heading.
This has to be good because if they were confident they'd get away with rejecting the claim the insurers would still be telling him to sod off.
I suppose he could go for the subtle approach and hand out a pair of orange overalls to each of the 'enemy' as they turned up for the meeting. A little bit of background noise consisting of a running tap and someone screaming should make them see things his way. I'm only suggesting ideas like this because I'm going to work in a minute and it's something I'd like to do to a few people this weekend.