One word to describe beauty

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Mine is "Diavel". What is yours?
  2. ill go with errrr


    I think that describes it very well :eek:
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  3. Sophia (Loren - in the 60's)
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  4. Wife (just in case she's looking over my shoulder :wink:)
  5. Kellybrook...
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  6. We have a Kelly Brook calendar at work with her draped over an 848 :upyeah:I'm not sure it gets any better does it?
  7. It would be much much better if I had the calendar...
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  8. For me it certainly isn't ' Diavel ' - which actually means Devil. Okay I guess if you're into that sort of thing :smile:
    for me I think it's summed up best by Penfold in Danger Mouse when he said 'coorrrrrblimeychief' :tongue:
  9. Surely beauty's in the eye of the boner ?
  10. I have a boner like 60% of the time when I am with my girl so cannot use that as indicator no more ..... :(
  11. Are you saying your girl aint a beauty ?? :eek:
  12. Not exactly there is only that long you can have a boner......
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  13. You sure she's not spiking your coffee with Viagra???
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  14. That there woman James Blunt sings about ????
  15. His sister.
  16. indescribable
  17. Phwoarr!
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