love the ride near the end that 'Guy' is a french version of one Barry Waterhouse, God rest his soul. so how many cc and is it a totally scratchbuilt? normally they are based on something just to get the cost down. Chris Craft did a very compact V8 based on two motorcycle inline 4s - dry sumped. EDIT couldn't find the V8* - this is just the 4 cyl - the Rocket didn't really get off the ground sadly, (NPI) Chris is a smashing bloke I remember :- The Rocket drive by + sound!! Very rare and unique!! 1080p HD - YouTube *the sound wasn't a patch on above of course but was pretty whippy.
I'm sure I read 400cc. Sounds sweet either way. One of the mags did an interview with Coulon and the fella is absolutely bike-mad.
The best sounding bike I've heard personally was a six-cylinder bike too. But nothing like was a Honda Valkyrie custom tart's handbag thing. Didn't half sound good though.
Saw this a few years ago in café racer magazine (French mag) he and his lad had also built the most amazing monkey bike. Got to love no helmet, slick tyres and hammering it down the road.