Forum changes?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Hi guys, Hows it going? Please excuse any typing errors. I'm using my in laws iPad :mad:
    there have been a few comments and suggestions about making some possible changes to the forum, basically the Superbike section. What with the new launch of the 899, the Superbike section is becoming very crowded and I Just wanted to test the water before I think about splitting up the section into the individual 'families' ie 1199/899, 848/1098/1198, 999/749, 916/996/998 etc, I know this will mean a fair bit of work for me to move the stuff around and the Superbike page may look a bit like a building site during the handover, but this is your forum as much as its everybody else's, so I want to see how you guys all feel about it :smile:

    I look forward to hearing your opinions :smile:
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  2. I'd do it that families, so to speak. Crack on fella :upyeah:
  3. Works for me :upyeah:. Andy
  4. works for me, lounge, 848, multistrada, technical. dead easy.
  5. I never read any bike sections anyway.......

  6. Agree best way forward.
  7. searching the comments on the current threads perhaps put the 899 in a new 'Touchy' or 'emotional sort' section :)
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  8. How about Winning superbike section , never gonna win and not eligible for any race series other than a one make series.
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  9. troll.................
  10. How about a troll no that will be the 899 one...
  11. two sections

    1 when we got it right.
    2 when we lost direction.
  12. Makes sense :)
  13. Sounds sensible to me, thanks for putting in the effort.
  14. How about a section for the members stuck in the past and then the rest of the forum for everybody else? ;)
  15. Seems to be the right way forward, so crack on fella.:upyeah:
  16. It already exists, its called the DOCGB :biggrin:
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  17. I think some of their members have escaped then ;)
  18. All sounds fine to me, Matt.

    I have to say that this forum is highly legible and usable compared to any other forum I've seen. Good job.
  19. Be nice to have classified added to 'todays posts' so a new ad appears as a thread and makes nore noticable. Sometimes we buy things we are not looking for ;-)
  20. Disagree with Bradders comment above, I, like quite a few I believe, just hit new posts on arrival, so wouldn't want the forum choked up with heaps of ad's/for sales.
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