10 Minutes of Pure Awesome

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Attila, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. For some reason this will not embed properly but it really is worth a watch
    #1 Attila, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
    • Like Like x 7
    #3 ResB1199, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  3. Brilliant. And love the music.
  4. Do you think people have got better or is it now we have the technology readily available to capture such things?

    I used to get upto quite mad stuff on push bikes but we only had a disposable camera once in a blue moon to capture it all. Wish camera phones were around when I was into it.
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  5. I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting :upyeah:
  6. Incredible! simply Incredible!
  7. Speechless!!! totally brilliant. Thanks for posting.
  8. Great Vid, i love things like that :upyeah:
  9. Some stunning clips
  10. Spiderman was epic!
  11. T'was awesome. Thanks
  12. I refuse to open up something that is described as "Pure Awesome"
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  13. would you watch it if I called it 'a rather spiffing 10 minute video old chap'?
  14. I would indeed, sir.
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  15. Brilliant and a little inspirational !. GoPro and similar cameras have really let the world know what these people are achieving and its all in awesome HD !
  16. Most of those type of vids are full of idiots running and jumping over things. That ain't awesome, that's running and jumping:mad:

    It was much more awesome back in the day when we were running and jumping while being chased by plod...
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  17. Its not only me that prefers the 'epic fail compilation' vids then??
  18. I always wonder what the ratio of epic fails is to epic successes. Poor, I suspect. I also wonder how many proponents of the epic successes do/have done/will do hospital time in order to perfect their art.
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