If I was being pedantic (which has been known) I would say the word that describes beauty is, of course, tha adjective "beautiful"... However, to be slightly more in keeping with the spirit of the thread, two words - Audrey Hepburn. Possibly the most beautiful woman ever to grace this planet with her presence... (in my opinion)...
Ironically there is a typing error in my sentance about being pedantic... Duuuuurrhhhh ! Anyway, as they say, "beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder"...
A simple rule - if you venture to correct somebody else's spelling or grammar, best make quite sure there are no faux pas in your own contribution.
Agree on Hepburn. I didn't realise the adjective "beautiful" originated in Yorkshire. Thanks for clarifying.
@ Pete - Touche ! I spotted the error about half a second after I clicked the "post" button, but it was too late by then...
I hesitate to mention it ... but after you have posted there is an "Edit" button you can use to make corrections ... if you can be bothered.
@ Pete - The edit function does not work when I'm logged on at work. I think it has something to do with the limited bandwidth... Besides, where's the fun in editing out all your mistakes when you can just leave them in for everyone else to spot ?
yes, and ironically, you also misspelled sentence. i too, have been known to be something of a pedant.