I think you can do whatever you like in Northern Ireland, so long as you have a big enough sub-machine gun.
You seem to be saying that a single offence, snapped by a roadside camera, with the automatic penalty process operating, could result in a large fine, immediate disqualification, and a prison sentence. That is not the case. Sentences like large fines, immediate disqualification and custodial sentences can only be imposed by a court following a hearing. At the hearing if you plead not guilty you are entitled to the presumption of innocence, the onus is on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt, etc. so Art 6 is not violated. The automatic process, with no court involved, leads only to a small fine and three points, so Art 6 does not engage.
The press reports that to confirm her identity she was allowed to cover up but to give evidence she had to remove the veil.The case has been adjorned, as a matter of fact though she has only recently started to wear the veil.
The first issue surrounding the veil is are they wearing it voluntarily or not? if not, then that is a far bigger problem and issue than the OPs question.
But if you walked into a bank wearing a Luke Skywalker mask and had declared yourself as of the Jedi religion, in the Census, would you still get arrested ?
I am rather annoyed at people falling for calling it a "veil", which is a deliberately misleading distortion. What is under discussion is a face mask. A veil is a transparent net, like a bride wears at a wedding.
Modern language is veil...get over it...its what the majority understand in context of muslim female regalia :smile:
Or in fact for convenience. Or am I being Cynical? The Judge, Jury and Court members are perfectly entitled to see whether or not the defendant is lying on oath. This includes speech gestures reactions and most importantly of all facial expressions. 90% of any human communication.
maybe a little obtuse here but i find it rather annoying when other religions such as islam get rather upset and say their rights are being infringed when asked to remove garments such as veils or more aptly masks.. but some as Christian's have to remove items which celebrate their Christianity such as small articles of jewellery. many times over the years it has been in the press with over zealous employers coming down on employees because of that.. I wonder if they would be so quick to respond with size 10 boots if it was a muslim who turned up in full dress..???
Quite right. We are constantly under attack in this way, with language being used to try to manipulate the way we think. "Veil" sounds so much more reasonable than "mask" or "burka" (which most of them aren't) or "niqab" (which most of them are).
I still find it quite shocking when you are walking down Oxford St or the Edgware Rd and you come across (as you always do) a bloke dressed normally a couple of paces in front of his wife who is head to toe in black, under some sort of sheet with just her eyes (and designer shoes) peeping out. It's like taking your dog for a walk - but not as nice. This is so not British values and there shouldn't be any attempt to make them so. But banning it? Tricky. Interestingly, if you were a women and wandered around in most Muslim countries in the same state of skimpy dress that you might wear in European countries, it would be made quite plain to you that this is totally unacceptable. So - should we impose our own values and tell people what we find acceptable? Hmmm.
Following on from Glidd`s point about what would happen in an Islamic country..... Based on time I have spent in Pakistan which is the most Islamic of the Islamic countries I have been to if that makes sense, you very rarely see women in public other than the beggars and disabled. The few times I have seen women out there they were not totally covered and it was not uncommon to see the men obviously masturbating under their robes while staring at the women . This is not opinion but based on what I saw .I`m not saying all the countries are similar as I don't have personal experience of them all. If you visit the tourist areas in Egypt, Dubai and so on you wont see this sort of thing (I hope) but I was well away from any tourism. Even when in Egypt and driving around visiting factories etc , chatting to the men it is very apparent that women are held in very low esteem, particularly western tourists who as one especially charming fellow told me "are very good for phuquing " He told me this just after saying how religious he was and that he went to the mosque to pray several times a day. Religeon is a wonderful thing hey, you can justify pretty much anything !
You do get the impression that in Islamic countries, the men don't trust themselves - it's as if they are completely uncontrollable and slaves to their sexual impulses. The only way they have found to deal with this is to remove all women from view, either literally by not allowing them out, or by turning them into invisible ghosts in their black garb. And of course, they have to be accompanied by men at all times for their own safety, or to make sure that they conform to what is expected of them. The whole thing is absurd. Not mixing with women normally (as we do in the West) this situation is unlikely to evolve much.
I dunno. Some of the most attractive women around are from the middle east, and those tyrant husbands are pretty demanding ;-) Given the issues in India right now, and many other countries whereby religion determines peolpe (especially women) are lower class, its far more worrying that over half the worlds population of man feel unable, and unwilling, to control themselves with women.
Of course veil should be banned...........I think it is bl**dy wrong to kill calves and bleed them white, just so we can eat them.