I havent used ebay for two years due to getting people ripping me off. i started using it 4 weeks ago and its the same as ever. i stopped using ebay when an arsehole stole a Mac G5 from me and i was forced to also issue a refund..then i had to go through all the bollox of trying to prove id posted it...it had been signed for but he said it wasnt by him..etc etc then i had to fill in a defamatory complaint form because of the abusive negative feedback he'd left..this was the one time since my membership of 2002 that theyve ever removed a comment...although they left the negative score for good measure. This time, another c*nt...i bought £80 RAM for my imac. same iMace went pop and was subsequently replaced. The 6 month old RAM was not compatible with the newer model..they call that progress. Like a knob i undersold the RAM..£25 BIN with free shipping..twat. Bloke bought it and i sent it same day, but not signed for..you know the rest. So including the original cost of the RAM, the refund and associated fees im £112.50 out of pocket...im so pissed off its not true. im expecting to get negged too as i told him. Signed for postage from now on. i fucking hate that website so much and i hate ebays so called 'support'..total bullshit. and why is it, when i buyer rips me off, like the company selling non genuine visors that broke my £700 Arai i have no recourse and the site says 'you are not protected for this transaction'.. Its bullshit.
And now they take 10% of the postage fees too! Tossers! Im not a fan but eBay is made up of sellers and buyers from all over, some are good and some are bad, it's hit and miss! I sold a rear LED light on there a few days ago bargain price working as I tested it etc etc etc however he said it did not work so I refunded in full and said keep it, some you win some you loose... You have to admire how they rake in zillions and shaft the sellers but still we trade on it!
I sypathise, I sold some stuff a couple of weeks ago, it was to a guy in france and I sent the invoice with two figures on it, recorded and without. Bloke pays for regular shipping and I get an email saying he hadn't received it and did I have a tracking number. I reply telling him that it clearly stated on the ad that i'd offer proof of postage but once it was gone it wasn't my responsibility - but he was more than welcome to escalate the dispute. On this occasion, I emailed the proof of postage and he withdrew the dispute, but I did have one guy try it on after buying a set of part worns and trying to play the 'not as described' game. I didn't realise they're taking 10% of postage fees too!?! the thieving fuckers.
like i said, i didnt go on it for two years...i cleared out the attic and wanted to turf out a load of stuff and then got it on me to get rid of loads of other stuff too. Whenever ive used ebay i make an effort to trade away from it. I never buy big ticket items through ebay. I will ALWAYS deal off the site and travel (i went to Colchester on saturday to pick up a HiFi item from a seller, dealt in cash etc etc). I loathe the site..and told the generic customer support person tonight too....before we were cut off. fkn useless it is. and as you say, inhabited by some real scumbags and chancers.
i bought a pair of racetecs off a bloke, he said they were a K1 front and K2 rear..turned out they were both K2's..not the end of the world, but when i looked at the transaction the ebay bullshit said, 'you are no longer covered by ebay buyer protection..find out more"..this is about 3 days after the listing ended....so either way, they rape you..fkn hate the site. i wond be bothering again..ive managed quite happily for the last two years, another two years wont hurt..I'll occasionally browse, contact the sellers directly, if they dont want to play, no hardship...its usually on amazon anyway.
I try to think out my listings as best I can, fully describe the item and track the package then when it's "not received" they can fight it out with the post office or whatever.. Sadly it's an easy feed to the market, just a shame the fees hit the sellers so hard, after all it's all very well saying load it on the price but then the RRP goes above online stores, mind you people seem to pay more than RRP for second have items anyway...??? funny old game...lol Oh I find the junk sells and the good stuff don't ...go figure???
yeah, and if you go over what ebay says the postage is worth they suspend you...ive lost £12 in postage this week thanks to them preventing me from charging actual postage..arseholes..and now i owe them £118 in listing fees!! Thats nearly 30% of my sales..bullshit from top to bottom. Im not selling diddly squat on there anymore.
Wish I could avoid it mate, 10% on FVF, 10% POSTAGE FEES, plus listing fee, image fee, paypal fee...I mean fk me they know how to charge!
Sorry to hear you had a shit transaction, like in life the bad bunch get everywhere. If i sell anything on e-bay i always sent it by recorded delivery and then forward the buyer the tracking number which i think helps in the long run maybe by putting off any potential scams.
ebay is shit. but I cant believe you were so daft not to used signed for trackable service even ebay recommends a secure postal service.
yep...i posted 6 items and his was the only non tracked item..strange that it didnt up..still when im driving past Luton i'll look him up...and relieve him of his teeth, or window, or both.
Bought loads/sold loads,not had too many issues tbh I hate the charges,but it's not all bad Bad start though. I got -1 feedback as twat who'd bought my 27ft caravan only had a 1.6 Mondeo-somehow my fault..... Best thing is actually read peoples feedback,you have to give positive to buyers but you can say what you like so plenty of neg.comments in there if the dudes an arse Or sell via Classified listing,they can't neg you....
it would have done and the opportunist twat had bumped you good style. hapened to me too with an brand new XDA EXEC phone a few years ago. since then I never do a deal on postage and try amd save them or me money - I just pass the cost on.
also trying to negotiate outside of ebay for some stuff I had a fellow about 8 miles away insist I pay by paypal and not allow collection. even though I said ill turn up with cash in hand - no fees . a rip off waiting to happen
leaving a neg comment with a positive mark is called feedback abuse and they do you for it...even though you cant select a legit neg when youre the seller. as i told the 'support' woman earlier, i generally dont leave feedback because its a farce and i want the system to collapse. if you dont cuntribute then they have no power. id like to make that moron have to eat through a straw... Glidd pm'd me earlier, he'll tell you about my spelling...i was really irate at the time!!!!
Well... I must have been lucky... I have used e-bay to buy and sell stuff for many years, hundreds of transactions, and have only ever had two problems - once when I bought a bike seat by sending a cheque ( before Pay-Pal was commonplace ) and the seller disappeared with the money. The other was a buyer who said the item turned up broken, but could produce no evidence to back up his claim. You can get ripped off anywhere - there are threads on here at the moment about people getting ripped off via the classifieds etc.