Fellow Fair Weather Fairies....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. When will mothball your babies??

    I had a littleride out today..got caught in a shower, it cleared, another shower..all that...and i thought to myself...might get one more decent day, but the tarmac will be a bit cold....this maybe the last ride...
    Ive been known to have the odd ride when we get one of those nice crisp November days..but its a bit dicey for knee down shenanigans...
    When do you lot tuck your bitches up for winter?
  2. My tax is up at the end of the month.It will be sorned till next year then.Plus my knee has been giving me grief.
  3. Mine stays taxed and insured all year round, if it's a nice day I ride it .
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  4. I'll be out this weekend if the forecast is correct.

    And rumour has it that October is oing to be decent too. It is only a rumour though :smile:
  5. Same as Steve above, make the most of any half decent days
  6. i want to see pics of you guys getting your knees down in the snow..and no i dont mean followed by your bleedin elbow and lid..maybe get a santa beard on ya lid and some fairy lights round the fairing for your christmas hardcore bitches!!
  7. My bike went away at the beginning of October last year and did not appear until April this year. If the roads stay dry and/or unsalted I will keep riding. Based on the last three years of living where I do, however, I expect to put the bike away soon.
  8. always ride through the winter but just choose a scruffier bike but I totally sympathise with people who don't as despite what anyone says you can never get all the salt and road muck out of every crevice unless you strip it to the last nut and bolt.
  9. this is usually what i do..this year ive clocked up a staggering 3k..more than ive done over the last 5yrs on my bitch....although i did have an MV as well during that time.
    if jehovah is willing, there will be two italian slags in the garage next spring....allahs snackbar!
  10. I've got a 1997 plate 916 with 7800 miles. Been mothballed since my daughter was born nearly 7 years ago
    Just had a full service and going for belts and mot soon so it's ready for next spring.

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  11. would love to see a picture of that Hooley :upyeah:
  12. Well after todays downpour i think mine little collection will soon be all tucked away, i always used tax them all for the whole year until this year when i wised up and now only tax them for 6 months. So now i think i'll just keep one of them taxed just incase the sun does decide to come out to play. Really frustrating as well as i've just bought my last addition to my collection which i swore would be the only other bike i'd buy.
  13. The Ducati's get sorned from 1 October. The Yamaha (heated grips) stays taxed all year as I live in hope for a mild day that doesn't set the Reynauds off.
  14. Keep it ready all year round. I just avoid roads with salt on them.
  15. ooooo id love to see pics of that beasty...mine went over 17k this year..i nearly shit the bed.she was on your mileage when i got her, but that was a fair few years ago. ive never owned a bike for as long..ever, and im still learning more about her all the time..
    ive simply never ever tired of my 916, not even for a moment.
  16. Same here, although my 916 is a 998s Final Edition out of all the bikes in my little collection it's the last one i'll ever sell.
  17. I'll try to post some soon
    I bought her at 2 years and 1200 miles old
    Covered my miles on fast Sunday runs and a few track days. Happy memories

  18. Never mothball mine. If there is a decent, dry, unsalty day I'll happily head out. Tbh, I'd ride in the wet, but cleaning up the bike afterwards is such a PITA I tend to avoid it now.
  19. thanks - irrefutable proof that memory going, sorry J.
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