Before you go Glidd just answer this Are the processes that have brought about climate change in the recent geological past active today ? And is all of the climate change we are seeing today a result of manmade CO2 ?
I'm sure the processes that govern fluctuations in the Earth's climate are still very much active today - El Niño is surely not a manmade phenomenon. Sunspot activity changes things etc etc. The rapid warming of the Earth has been put down to increased CO2 concentrations, and these are manmade. I don't try to do the job of the worlds climatologists. There are several thousand of them and they spend their time doing the research and analysis and building the models. If they say that AGW exists, is manmade and is a problem, that's good enough for me. In the same way as if current cosmologists tell us that the universe is expanding, I believe them. They ought to know, they spend enough time on the problem. The difference between us is that you want to second guess this body of expert opinion. I'm happy to accept it. There is no point my trying to synthesise their arguments. Thousands of pages have been written by thousands of experts. You want to think they are all quacks or motivated nefariously. There is nothing I can do about that. It's like having a religious debate with a fundamentalist Christian. It doesn't matter what arguments are brought into the debate - he has his "faith". In your case, you have "faith" that AGW is figment of the scientific imagination. Nothing I am liable to say or write is likely to change this viewpoint, so I am happy to admit defeat. The sad thing is that you are being duped by a carefully orchestrated mechanism, but you won't try and find out what that is or how it works. Instead you cling to the unlikely viewpoint that the world's experts, grouped under the loose heading of the IPCC - which simply collates their output - has to be working on a political agenda to big up climate change. There is no evidence for this view, any more than there is evidence of heaven and hell, but you choose to believe it because, like the idea of heaven, it is comforting and you think that if we all thought like that it would save you money. Sadly that isn't how the world works. Now if 749er wants to try banging his head against a brick wall, he is welcome. Mine is sore!
You know people are clutching at straws when the tax issue is brought up. It's a fact that the scientist that can explain the natural phenomenon that is causing climate change will become a very wealthy man. They will be honoured, feted, rewarded, from here to his dying day. There are so many companies and organisations that want to hear that. The incentive to prove it its immense. It has not happened and it won't happen. Every theory from sun activity onwards has been scientifically disproven. I am going to leave it there also. Until some one can show me a validated paper which attributes climate change to another natural cause, I am going to stick with the Nobel prize winners
If you wish to believe that in the absence of manmade CO2 the climate would be in some kind of stasis then you need your bumps felt.
One last comment, those two Nobel Prize winners Gore and Pechauri are not climate scientists, they aren't even scientists.
Neither side will win as likely blinkers are too firmly set Religion next...or Thatcher...or 899...all just as circular and divided ;-)
"Wir haben die Kraft" That was the slogan from her previous election campaign. Maybe it's now "Wir hatten die Kaft".