Face Masks

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Sep 17, 2013.


What is your opinion of face masks?

Poll closed Oct 1, 2013.
  1. There should be a right to wear face masks

    1 vote(s)
  2. Face masks should be banned

    14 vote(s)
  3. Neither a right nor a ban, as at present

    13 vote(s)
  4. None of the above

    5 vote(s)
  1. Face Masks
  2. Damn! That's going to spoil the fencing club's Halloween masked ball :biggrin:
  3. ugly people shoud be forced to wear them. are all bank robbers ugly??
  4. I think without a reference to location the answer is difficult to give.
  5. What is a face mask? Do you mean one of these? Sure let people walk around with these if they like. Why not? :upyeah:


    Or is this a stupid person's version of saying a Niqāb?
  6. No, niqab is a stupid person's version of saying a face mask. Since you ask.
  7. Or a muslims version of saying a face mask.

    Are you saying muslims are stupid?
  8. Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats other people with fear, distrust, hatred, contempt, or intolerance on the basis of a person's ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics.

    I live in an area of London where these people wear these 'face masks'. Although I do find it strange and wrong, it does not affect my daily life therefore to me it is not a problem. If you could bring something a little more intellectual to your post then that might be helpful.

    You might as well post something as inane as. Blue high collared jumpers AKA Turtle necks, they should be banned right?
  9. Aren't those polo necks?

    Semantics. Tricky stuff.
  10. Yeah I think you are right there. I was thinking of Steve Jobs when I thought of the clothing.

    A polo neck, roll-neck (UK) or turtleneck (US, Canada) or skivvy (Australia).
  11. Polo necks, and zip-up shirts, should be banned. Time we moved on.

    As for face masks, blinkered people of every persuasion offend me, be the blinkers of the physical or metaphorical sort. However causing me offence is not yet a criminal matter (but I'll keep working on that).

    As for the poll, face masks shouldn't be banned. If their use starts to become a problem*, with crimes being committed by people wearing disguises that resemble a religious costume, then you might need to consider some additional legislation (hopefully, short of banning them outright).

    * by "problem", I mean a real problem, not a Daily Mail problem.
    • Like Like x 4
  12. If there is one thing I can`t stand it`s intolerance !
    • Like Like x 2
  13. I always knew them as foreskin jumpers
  14. Is this really a Pete1950 thread , surely he hasn't lost his mojo to raise a worthwhile debate. Spose every dog has his day , long live Pete1950. :biggrin:

    Mask ? , more Jim Carry to me.
  15. We have already had the debate. The purpose of this poll is to see what conclusion people came to, if they care to reveal it.
    Referring to face masks as veils, or using Arabic words, just muddies the waters.
  16. I voted for "Bump". I like bumps, veiled or otherwise.
  17. im sure ive come across her face before....
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Does this include gimp masks?.........just asking like :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I'm sure that if you want to wander the streets in a gimp mask no one is stopping you, currently.
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