i was going to throw another christian on the fire, but i relented and put the central heating tonight..has anyone else??
I have. I would rather have the heating on and wear fewer clothes than dress up like the Michelin man and still be cold.
Mine went on last night It's lovely but the feckin bills cost more than keeping the missus in anti-wrinkle cream
It is a bit nippy and the Mrs is dropping hints....may go for an early morning start but it's only September and we had our heating on into the Summer! It's warming up, it's warming up, etc. We're out in the sticks on Oil so it's better to put another layer on (in my book anyway :biggrin
So it was lol. Some knob posted it on FB, which is where i lifted it from. And then some knob to posted it on here :tongue:
Gas fire on just keeping one room warm for now. Wife has been taking a hot water bottle to bed for a couple of weeks now. Steve
Heating has been on this week here, to dry the washing allegedly! I wanted to leave it till at least October, direct debits have gone up again, bah humbug
Changed the batteries in the programmer yesterday and did a test fire up of the heating to see if it is still working.Seems to be okay.If it stays this cold will probably have some heating on.Mrs Mervyn,who is a hardy sort,will probably tell me to put another layer on
I won't be putting the central heating on until 1st October on principal. Might stick the log burner on before though