Stephen Lee found guilty of fixing snooker matches

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. was that with by any chance?

    not so baby faced now is he?
    View attachment 19736

    yes mate, you, ya cheating fook..
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  2. Hope it was worth throwing his career for!
  3. Well and truly snooker'd himself eh :smile:
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  4. What like 'I didnt mean to do it' John Higgins who spent about a week in penance and seems to have been forgiven all ills...
  5. He will need his best ever trick shot to get out of that one. Why do so many sports stars go down the cheating road ?. Why can't they realise what a high earning charmed life they have in the first place. ( GREEDY BA*****S ).
  6. shit sport anyway
  7. He learned how to predict the future from his nan,Gipsy Rose Lee....:biggrin:
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  8. he could always take a leaf out of the most over rated player to ever disgrace the game, Alex Hurrican Piggins, and take a piss in the flower display.
    and that was broadcast live! i do miss the 80s. ('cept fot that bitch Thatcher, and the unemployment and all that)...
  9. What a brown spot
  10. More like a bulldog chewing a wasp
  11. Not a sport. New thread started.
  12. Come on - give him a break
    You can imagine he would be financially snookered - probably in the red - then along comes a tempting offer, right on cue
    Probably thought he could chalk up a couple by giving a few tips and pocketing the cash to get in the black but turns out he is screwed
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  13. Give it a rest...he's either in the pink or kissing the brown...
  14. yello,

    he blue that trying to make some green, but it wasn't all white!
  15. if he goes to prison - hell have to join the brown club as hell be bitchin it up the butt extension and be snookered by a couple of balls against his cushions.
  16. Brings a whole new meaning to "is he going for the easy pink or the difficult brown?"!
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