I think the 'English' should get a vote, about a week before the scots get theirs, then we can let them know if we want them to stay or not, as for me, if they want independence, then fine, but all money that flows their way stops instantly on the same day & all scotish MP's go the same way at the same time.
Judging by the reaction it would appear that its the English that want to split the union more than the Scots. I'm not for it and neither are the majority if all the recent poles are to be believed and by quite a margin. I wonder what Salmond's game plan is though, he is far to shrewd to have committed to this without knowing the odds. I reckon he'll loose but hope he polls a significant number of votes to push for more "independence" powers for the Scottish Parliament, he will have a game plan for sure. John
It won't work like that though... If the Sweaties run into financial difficulty (which is very probable), then who do you think will bail them out? All the bollox about them keeping the oil and gas in the North Sea has been funded by UK and Dutch companies so they don't own it, nor should up the price... If they do, then we should buy from Russia!
Have we decided who 'owns' the deficit yet? I believe it's about £1,377.4 billion How much of that is England, Wales and NI and how much Scottish?
hope this doesnt become an anti English- Scotland thing. i will be voting independence, all you euro skeptics should understand why.
If the voters of Scotland want to become independent, fine. They can apply for membership of the UN/NATO/EU, and take their place in the queue behind existing applicants; they can set up their own currency, and try to maintain its value; they can run their own deficit, and pay the (higher) interest on it; and they can pay for their own defence, or leave themselves defenceless. Their choice and good luck to them.
why does Westminster assume its there currency only? shared dept and shared assets? just one of the many issues needing to be resolved.
I'm not sure that Westminster does make that assumption though clearly some posters to this thread do! I hope that Scotland stays part of the UK as I think all sides will loose out if the Scots go for independance, and that is said even though I believe that currently the net flow of currency across the boarder is south to north! Lets face facts, The UK is a very small country and actually is doing very well as it is the 6th largest economy in the world and all the home nations do, or have, and probably will, contribute to that ecconomy. Personally I love to have a little dig at the Scots, Welsh, and Irish but its all done with good humour and I fully expect to get the same back. I think its a shame that the same nonsense is ramped up a bit and used in serious political debate to create a division in a country that has worked very well for the past 400 years and was created at the expense of so many lives due to the greed and ineptitude of the leaders of both sides.
Good luck to em. At least they get a vote! I hope they vote to maintain the Union and I think they will. They The Scots aren't daft. I reckon that fat, egomaniac, knobber Salmond just wants a statue of himself in George Square.