Independence for Scotland

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. build haydrians wall back up with razor wire and minefields scotland let them go. some nice roads up the highlands(when its not raining) apart from that no use to anyone
  2. I can get a team of Polish brickies up there tomorrow if need be:upyeah:
  3. the cheeky fkrs want to keep the pound!!!!

    this is after that bellend salmond was slating it saying they should tie to the euro..its was better for scotland blah blah..then the euro went tits up and now the pound is viable again..
    piss off.

    Im all for scottish long as england can be independent from them.
    have a fkn border patrol for all i care.
  4. We all know it isn't going to happen, but let's pretend it has. I'm imagining a very high concrete wall capped with razor wire, guard towers every half mile, heavily armed - see anything with a blue face within range and Blammo!

    The wearing of skirts by men can once again be outlawed in England without fear of some unfathomable wretches throwing a hissy fit and trying to put the nut on you. Thistle culling could be a national pastime for schools, and we could set up a haggis sanctuary near the wall.

    Perhaps we could extend the wall downwards to the Severn Bridge too...
  5. yer aw hanky swingin nobs. :smile:
  6. Sounds like a compliment to me!
  7. You got them up there too, can they vote?
  8. He chose the anniversary of Bannockburn for the day of the vote.
  9. The Scots could use the pound if independent but what they wouldn't have is any control over it with regards to monetary policy. A bit like the PIIGS in Europe.
  10. I think the UK is greater than the sum of it's parts and the NO vote will win the day.

    However if they do become independent and the Scottish MP's are sent home from Westminster then that would probably hand a majority to the Conservatives, certainly the Labour party would be the loser in terms of seats.

    It is to the credit of the Conservative and Unionist party that they have defended the Union despite this reality.
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  11. He seems to be a bit desparate with this and lowering the age to vote down to 16, an age where people tend to be a bit more nationalistic
  12. Lets face it, the Scots get more out of the Union than the English do.........

    .............all the English get is a load of Scottish MPs.

    I really don't care one way or another whether they are independant or not.........

    So if they go t*ts up after they become independant; I won't laugh.

  13. But surprisingly those newly entitled to vote are NOT coming out on his side.

    The assumption that the young are more likely to be lefties is no longer as strong as it was.
  14. It might get the army down to 82000 before 2020 if they vote 'yes' and we kick all the jocks out. Might not have needed so many redundancies then.
  15. They could be renamned the English Foreign Legion :upyeah:
  16. The West Lothian Question never was resolved.
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  17. I am disappointed at a lot of the language in this thread, and the sentiment at times.

    unfortunately, only those who live in Scotland get a vote, so for those outside Scotland who want to make their voice heard, can I suggest you sign up to the Better Together and other such Facebook pages and makes these kind of comments there.

    that way you will help the yes vote, it will be much appreciated.

    by the way here a few facts

    scotland is 8.9% of the UK population.

    scotland contributes 9.9% of tax to the UK treasury, excluding oil revenue.

    we get 9.3% back, so being 8.9% of the population it looks like we are subsided but in fact the opposite is true. This has been the case for the last 30 years and comes from UK GVT figures. It's just that we get above the national average. If you live outside the SE of England, then you are subsidised by Scotland and SE England. I hope you now have a big slice of humble pie. Try not to choke on it.

    However, its not just Scotland that gets a bit extra. London of course is subsidised to the tune of £2700 per person for Transport for London. Those who live in NE England, prepare to get angry, you get £5 per head.

    If we continue to use our Sterling, as it belongs to all the nations of the UK, we will take 8.9% of the debt.

    if we don't then we walk away with no debt. This is international law.

    So, in much the same way as we are liable for the debt we are also entitled to 8.9% of everything else. Navy, Air Force, army, Royal Mail if Cameron wasn't selling it off, The Bank of England's Reserves, embassies, etc

    As to how the oil gets divvied up. It's all there in international law. It was used to determine the UK, Norwegian Danish sectiors. As much as I would like to lay claim to prime piece if real estate in the Arabian gulf, I can't.

    so there you go. Get out there and alienate as many unionist as you can.

    Scotland will vote yes, as was demonstrated the other night in a news night debate where a bunch of "undecideds" having heard all the arguments voted to leave 2:1.

    unsurprising really. It's not possible to have so much energy resource and be poor. Look at Norway, with its own currency. Scotland produces more oil than Norway and Kuwait for that matter, so I can't see us being left defenceless, and being at such a strategic position on the Atlantic, NATO membership is a formality.

    as is EU membership, what with being Europes largest oil producer.
    #37 749er, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
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  18. Oh, come on, it's a Scottish pastime to rib the English, and vice versa. Don't go getting all sensitive now. It isn't gonna happen anyway.

    And you can't keep Sterling, cos it's got the Queen's head on it, gawd bless 'er.
  19. IF the Scots became fully independent, i dont honestly think that it would have a significant bearing on the outcome of British elections.
    Labour didnt get in with Tory Bliar/Brown because of the Scottish vote..there just arent enough seats..
    It isnt to the Tories credit that theyre sticking to their guns about the union due to some sort of altruistism..its about collecting money from all that lovely oil and gas.
    Were in an age of general political apathy, with those tools the Lib Dems seemingly holding the whip hand. The percentage of people actually voting falls with every election..good thing too, because it only encourages them.
    I cant think of a time when politicians have been more despised, but im willing to be wrong...

    Anyone who ties their colours to anyones mast is a fool in my view...those who blindly vote Labour because their parents did etc...utter stupidity.

    I hope that we have some sort of political revolution in this country...perhaps were just all too cosy, too brainwashed with the bullshit on TV, too X Fucktard to care...perhaps when the working people of the country end up where Thatcher took them again we may get a sea change..till then, expect more grey, more tedium and more privately educated millionaires lecturing us on how to tighten our belts, and reminding us that, "were all in it together", as they dine out at the Groucho and sip childrens tears.

    Politicians?? Stick it up em...officious, power trip egotists, c*nts, rapists, theives, liars and child molesters.
  20. What with the attitude of some Scots over this issue, I wouldn't be surprised to see the vast majority of English people voting for Scottish Independance..........

    .......and then helping to rebuild Hadrian's Wall at twice the height with guard towers and no gates. :wink:
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