Taking time out of my life....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Prob another mid life crisis, but ive been thinking about taking a few months off (wouldnt mind a year actually) and doing some travelling...i fancy having a couple of months around Europe for starters.
    Years ago i had the adventure of a life time travelling across the States..spent about a year there and also popped up to Canada and down to Mexico a couple of times..ending up in hawaii for a month..fkn great times...
    id love to go back and revisit a few places that i promised myself..(Canyonlands National Park for starters)...
    I could probably afford to do it in a year or so without crippling myself financially..i dont have kids or a wife and after the last couple of years of my life id like to go on an adventure because it could all be over tomorrow..

    Any thoughts?

    Am i just being a dick?
  2. Go, now....:tongue:
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  3. Consider Oz & NZ.
  4. if I didn't have a wife and kids and customers, how id love to do something like that, sometimes I feel my life is wasting away before my eyes, do it
  5. Funky The problem is, wherever you go, there you are!
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  6. Pfft, if you can do it do it! I'd love to travel more. Asia is worth a thought too, been out to Singapore, Malaysia, China and Indonesia a bit over the last few years. I really do like Malaysia, the food is absolutely amazing and I always really miss that when I have to come back. China is absolutely awesome for stuff to do and see.

    *edit* I wouldn't really call it taking time out of your life either, more of a making more of it.
    #6 Matt DWrecker, Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2013
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  7. straight down through the middle of Africa..............top to bottom!
  8. dont know why, but germany and a bit off the old ussr calls at me sometimes.
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  9. It has probably Been said on here in another post 'life is not a dress rehearsal'
    Too many of us treat it as such because of other commitments.
    Those I know who have taken off come back reinvigorated, however, almost without exception they have no dependants.
    Keep the forum posted with updates and piccies, and...keep the bin count down!
  10. Do it! If you have the opportunity to enrich your life then you would be crazy not to! Your health issues have been well documented, and your suffering must have seemed unbearable at times, so reward yourself and do something that you would only regret not doing later on in life. Good luck to you, and keep us informed on what seems to be a life changing experience. I only wish that I'd done something like this before I married for the first time, as now, unless I win the lottery, I shall never have the money.
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  11. How do you fund it? What happens when you get back, or do you deal with it when it happens rather than plan it?
  12. To be honest Funky, I would say the title of the thread should be "living my life". I wish I had the bottle to do it.
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  13. Do it .......and give us regular updates on your progress. one day when your old you'll wake up dead and wish you'd done it. I fancy Mongolia for some reason, intend to ride there once the kids are moved out in about 30 years !
  14. The last thought for anybody on their deathbed, knowing its coming, shouldn't be 'I wish I'd have done that'. Do it.

  15. What you waiting for get on with it funky :)

    Sri Lanka is lovely too as is Thailand

    The worlds your oyster
  16. now that question would frustrate me...........
  17. No wife and family? Why do you need to ask?

    And I'm with Pete...............try Oz & NZ :upyeah:
  18. Better to go and find out if it was the right decision than sit back and forever regret not knowing.
  19. :eek: Feck!!! I'm not sure we are ready for him down here :wink:

    If'n ya can afford it, do it :upyeah:
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