Apple IOS7

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. It's not that bad. Some neat features in there now. :upyeah:

    Don't know what all the fuss was about :smile:
  2. Not being able to resize wallpaper is a bit annoying, but overall ok
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  3. I just got round that by resizing the original pic on my pc then uploading it again.
  4. I did it using an app, but more hassle than it used to be, sure there will be a patch along soon to sort all the little niggles.
  5. installed fine on my 4, and not too laggy either.
  6. and yet I still can't get an app that records incoming and outgoing calls like my 10 year old windows mobile... ballbags.
  7. Would appear you need 2.9gb spare only has 8gb to start with...erm photos and music or operating system...tough choice ;-)
  8. get a better phone then you tight arsed monkey :wink:
  9. We have apples in Zummerset-we makes em into cider!

    we drinks it, and we operates fine. 7 pints sounds about roite!

    #10 TT600, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
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  10. It's all I need thanks ;-)

    I'm PAYE remember so can't expense all my wants to a contract ;-p
  11. If you're using photo stream, you don't need to keep photos on the phone as well. I saved over 4Gb once I realised this.
  12. Is that all?!!!!!!

    Its all style over substance (and the style aint that good either) There is nothing really new in terms of functionality its all just tweeks. About the only thing I like is the control centre which allows me to control bluetooth a little quicker. As for the new style - it just looks cheap and nasty

    Well thats my opinion for what its worth!
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  13. I agree, looks crap, keyboard is hard to make out in some light conditions you still only have one folder for photos, you can resize backgrounds, no options to customise background can invert them wtf use that is, the icons are now super thin and look naff, the animations when shrinking screens is poor and confusing, still locked down to Apple print system and output to other screens, still hate not having numbers on the upper of the keyboard, menu options are all over the place... but hay yeah great OS NOT.

    But the Apple lovers will love it and buy into it more so than before, they will still wait outside of Apple stores for weeks on end to buy them, those of us who actually want to use the device for work etc will just have to lump it..

    So Apple well done, great job as always on how to make a great device like the iPad feel cheap, slow and childish.

    p.s I do love my iPad3 most days but iOS7 is a bit of a let down IMO, even now on this edit it's decided to run s u p e r s l o w w i t h t e x t .

    Long live Android OS ;)
    #14 arthurbikemad, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
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  14. I had an iPhone 3 and then the 4 but I don't think the iPhone or iOS have moved on significantly since the iPhone 3. Apple gave mobile phone technology a good kick up the backside a few years ago but seem to have lost momentum now.

    Unless Apple make some big advances my next phone will not be an Apple. Shame really because I do like the connectivity between the iPhone and iPad, if only there weren’t the unnecessary restrictions to connecting out of the Apple bubble.
  15. As I have said to my mates so many times before Apples only real down side to me is lack of connectivity and the fact they won't "unlock" the system, I don't mean unlock the OS to the outside world and developers and risk contaminating their so called perfect and virus free OS but unlock it to the user "Jail brake" it as standard and set the OS and hardware free so users have control over the platform where they work. The hardware has to be the most stylish on the market with great performance but MAN please please give back the control users like me take for granted on other OS, Jesus even Gem is the 80's has simple customization options!
  16. Well I was actually downloading the ios7 as I was reading this but have just stopped it. Least I know what I've got at the moment.
  17. It took me all of about an hour to get used to it. It does everything I want it to do, and it seems to have freed up space on the phone and ipad too.
  18. I would like to have a dark version of the OS, way too much white for my liking. Also I changed the text to bold in the accessibility settings.
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  19. Agree on the dark, the new eBay app has night view and its easy on the eys even in the day time, shame the rest is in your face! I keep turning it down as the auto bright is a bit naff also don't know if just my iPad but it never auto darkens yet when you stick it back in standby it will come back on dim then auto lighten but never auto dark, did this on old OS too :(
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