Found this on my garage door.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Kids having fun or should I be worried?[​IMG]
  2. Just those pesky kids, or maybe the F.B.I are on to you and have left their signature. Have a look across the street for a saloon car with no wheel trims and two men sat in it eating donuts.
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  3. All there bar man with doughnuts, Grrr doughnuts hungry now :)
  4. i would be worried if i knew anybody had been near my garage.

    is this on your property or in a block?? if it's in a block then prob is just kids messin'

    don't take any chances and make sure everything is securely locked up.
  5. It is in block with 19 other garages but only my one had a mark.

    Frankly I would not be worried if not:

    F - Frame (Got that)
    B - Bike (Got that in bits but clearly there as wheels and engine out but lying around)
    I - No idea what that stands for but I got "Incidentals" but that would make for a smart thief

    There is no actual bike there just one in bits and more bits and tools. No way to lock that up.
  6. F.B.I. is crim's slang for

    Fuckin' Burgle 'Im!
  7. Fast Bike Inside.............
  8. Thx now I will not be able to sleep at night!!

    It could be if they seen the bike there over a month ago as it is in pieces now for a month and two weeks ago there was nothing on the door.
  9. repaint your garage door to cover the marks up and see if it happens again...

    or scrawl F.B.I on all the other doors too and take your chances...
    #9 SteveO916, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  10. Actually I removed FBI from my door so none around me have it. No idea further garages ;) Bike cleaner works wonders ....
  11. That's what Banksy signs prior to completing one of his stunning art works, that would then increase the value of your garage door by around £50k plus. For Banksy Innit
    #11 Baldyboy, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2013
  12. Just what I would do (without anyone seeing me do it)

    But surely FBI stands for Foreign Bloke Inside.

  13. I'm sure they've seen the bike in bits and noted that it's "Fucked By Incompetence"
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  14. Urban Dictionary: F.B.I Fucking Big Indian: A large man or woman of indiginous roots. Commonly sighted at bingo halls and beer holes... Also : An anacronym for the term "free balling it",it is shorthand for a male's decision to go sans swaddling or minus his undergarments... Not sure this helps...
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  15. You got me worried, so I painted this on my garage door today

    garage door.jpg

    garage door.jpg
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  16. a few of them round my way.
    Fucking Mindless Idiots.
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  17. Long live dyslexia !
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  18. Yeah!! Wot e said, long live lysdexia. :upyeah:
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  19. It doesn't mean anything, it's just some little North London prick with a biro......I have an alibi by the way :wink:
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  20. I can do you a Banksy. I have this one on my bedroom wall...


    Took about four hours of careful cutting with a sharp knife, but only five minutes mounting and spraying :)
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