Should veils be banned in schools and public places ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. As ever, there are a small number of people who take the piss. The laws/rules etc. should be set to cater for the vast majority who do not.
  2. That is totally outrageous. Are you seriously telling me that you want legislation to prevent us from wearing blankets?
  3. Jesus. --

    You get people complaining about habibs or whatever because they are not English and when someone uses the English word they get all arsey.

    You could not make it up!

    As for veils allowing a view of someone's face, that depends entirely on the ambient lighting conditions, contrast ratios,
    Light transmission of the veil and colour o skin underneath.
    So to say a veil is ok and a habib is not ok is bollocks - from a technical point of view.
  4. Can we draw a veil over the semantics regarding the difference between a veil and a mask?
  5. Im building the "wankers" new race bike at moment...
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  6. Whether you call them veils, masks, balaclavas or anything else, surely a right minded person would say yes?

    If someone wants to wear (or not wear) stuff in the confines of their home, place of worship or hobby, that is fine.

    There needs to be common ground.

    Otherwise there is chaos.

    My "acid test" is that if I think a situation could be a Monty Python sketch, it should be treated as such!!!!!
  7. As I understand the situation they don't need to wear the veil/mask/curtain/tent indoors because their family are allowed to see their face. They only want to wear the thing outside because, according to some of the earlier posts, they are worried about becomming some form of mobile bukkake party
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  8. Is he off the beemer now then?
  9. I think full face veils should be banned anywhere that requires you to be identified. Otherwise it could be anyone taking the exams, going through customs, passing driving tests etc. I think enough is enough and the country should expect any groups, regardless of religion, nationality etc to adhere to the laws and policies of our country.

    I'll get off my soap box now.:biggrin:
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  10. I'm personally uncomfortable with the full face covering.

    How many times are motorcyclists asked to remove heir helmets when filling up? I don't have a problem with that and what would happen if I called into my local shop in a full face balaclava, even if the person serving maybe wearing their own 'balaclava'?

    If however I was serving in a shop and asked someone to remove their face covering because I felt uncomfortable, it would be called racial discrimination.

    I am far from racist but we can't wear shorts or go bare chested in certain countries so why shouldn't people abide by our laws in our country.

    Do we start letting Rastafarians walk around smoking blow whenever they want?
  11. It depends what your motivation was surely ?

    But the point is it currently isn't illegal and they are not breaking any law.

    I would be surprised if women with face masks were allowed to drive ?
    #111 johnv, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  12. I thought they did anyway...........
  13. Unfortunately I think the UK has only itself to blame....

    ....The UK had an Empire founded on breezing into another country and doing what it liked in respect of religion and social pattern, whilst ignoring the customs and religion of the natural inhabitants.

    ....'they' are now only doing what the UK just so happens that one religion at least requires the face to be covered.

    Until it is made illegal (at the risk of the religious persecution card being played) then it will continue; whether 'we' agree with it or not.

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  14. I'd be surprised if women with face masks had ever been allowed to learn how to drive.
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  15. The solution is not to make 'it' illegal but to frame the legislation along the lines of facial features being visible in certain situations. It could be presented as a security issue, everything else is.
  16. That is what I meant :upyeah:
  17. I see all veils, face coverings, burqua's e.t.c, as outmoded primitive apparel who's only purpose is the continuance of women's subjugation.

    This is the year 2013, any 'civilized society' should not allow the perpetuation of this subjugation.

    I have spent a lot of time mixing with people from all over the world, and I have a very good idea what goes on in the minds of a lot of the male population from the countries that encourage the use of veils, burqa's e.t.c and I find it abhorrent.

    I'm very aware that I was fortunate to be born in England, and I took full advantage of the revolution in sexual freedom that occurred in the 60's. I know for a fact that the vast majority of women only wear veils, burqa's because the males are the ones who make the rules.

    We should definitely ban them. We have been far too tolerant of madmen trying to drag us back to the dark ages .
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  18. I have to admit that there is a lot of sense in this post.

    What goes on in Arab countries should have nothing to do with how we see women and how we expect males to behave. Banning the all over face thing might be the first step to enlightenment for some families. And of course, if they don't like it, they can always decamp to a country which shares their values.

    I am torn between live and let live and saying, no, sorry, our values are different (just as they say when we come to visit them, or live in their country).

    Thing is though, you'd find that Selfridges et al would not be in favour of alienating their best customers, unless the Russians and Chinese take up the slack.
  19. I am in favour of being open-minded - but not so open-minded that we let our brains fall out.
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  20. #120 CRYSTALJOHN, Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
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