Unexpected Ducati Owner

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Bing-Bong, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. By chance a friend of mine happened to let me buy his 750 Supersport at a reasonable price. I have to admit it is one of the nicest bikes to ride that I have owned, and I have owned a good few over the last thirty years. A pair of Pilot Powers are going to be fitted this afternoon as the rubber on it has been there for four years, and monday I take delivery of a 750ss ie shock to replace the leaking standard item.

    Just to say hello, and looking forward to talking to you all.

    Darren :smile:
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  2. Welcome (from another SS owner) , good SS community here with plenty of expertise
  3. Hi Dee Hi :wink:
  4. :tongue::upyeah::biggrin:
  5. how do.
  6. Hello and welcome!
  7. Ding Dong Bing Bong !
  8. good man
  9. Hello & Welcome
  10. Thank you for the welcomes, tyres are now fitted. Whilst at the tyre centre I asked the fitter to decipher the date code and it translated to year 2000. No wonder they felt awful. Now its raining so no scrubbing in this weekend.
  11. Hello and welcome to the mad house

    Pics please :)
  12. Skoobalubadoobalub!
  13. Welcome to the forum
  14. Welcome, when you fit the new shock make sure it fits as we've found that there not all interchangeable, depends on the shock make and the swing arm you have, there is a thread in the SS section. Not blue this one is it??
  15. No turning back now... Welcome fellow newbie! :smile:
  16. Hello and welcome :smile:
  17. It's quite funny really, as when I had a closer look at the job in hand, it already has a 750ss ie shock fitted. So no worries there, straight swap. Although I was looking forward to the back being raised a little, these bikes must be low as standard. Mind you, 8-10 mil isn't a awful lot. Thanks for the advice though.:upyeah:
  18. Im sorting pictures out. They will come, don't you worry....:wink:
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  19. Cool and one pic at least should contain a bin :) it's a tradition any colour doesn't matter
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