Information and misinformation. Yeehar. Dunno why they would want to, or any other parts of UK fir that matter. Free uni?! Yeah course we can..oh no you're English. Free prescriptions? Yeah course we can. No hold on you're English. I don't profess to understand the mechanics of money enough to offer a full opinion, but the sun reader in me says there seems to always be talk of deprivation, poor health etc so where do all the taxes come from?!
When all is said and done, if i were Scottish id want to be independent..simply out of principle..never mind the economics...Who wants people running outside of your country deciding you affairs..Just ensure your politicians and other professional liars and bullshitters are domicile in the country. I would also like England to be independent of the rest of the UK..thats just my also not very impressed with the entire Europe question. Whether independent or not, our nations will always be tied in a positive manner for the most part (excepting of course religious which case those people will keep trying to murder one another)...there are Macs, O's and Smiths all over the union and that will never change irrespective of the vote..if a few centuries Singh and Li will be in there too...
Absolutely bang on the money. the majority of English people don't want nuclear weapons or nuclear power or rail privatisation or Royal Mail privatisation or NHS free market reforms or a whole host of other crazy ideas. Someone needs to come along with a fresh set of ideas and thinking. Post ww2, Scotland has never unfluenced the result of a general election and we rarely get the governments we vote for. So for many in the yes camp, its about democracy.
Ha ha, like it. I assume this is refering to our Morris Dancers?? I'm English through and through but I was in York last week and saw loads of these 'hanky swingin nobs' and must admit they don't half look twats. But hey, I was in Aberdeen too and I swear to God I saw loads of blokes walking about in skirts.... Eh, whassa???
If the people of Scotland can choose to become independent by separating from England, so the people of the Shetlands & Orkneys can become independent by separating from Scotland and take the oil with them. So the remainder of Scotland may turn out to be poor after all. Unless the islanders are to be forbidden from exercising that option, in which case where is the democracy?
I can just see it now; Scotland peel away from the union saying, "that's our oil, thankyou very much". Next thing you know America declare a war on terror in the Orkneys and arrive en masse to 'protect' the oil...
Ah, but don't forget, the jocks use a lot of oil domestically too. Chips and fried mars bars don't fry in water ye ken.....
No, no....your enchanting colloquialism will suffice... pray tell, did any of the "english burds", demonstrate as great a command of the 'English tongue'? :wink:
I don't mind either way myself but i find it all rather a non issue personally. If u live either side of a line someone put on a map then you are Scottish, English, Welsh etc ! Bollocks, we are to all intense and purposes one and the same people both in culture, language, values etc. If we gave independance on the basis of a bit of an accent and cold weather, Newcastle would be like Andorra is to Spain. Honestly either way i doubt much will change apart from tinkering round the fringes much like happens now. Anyone that thinks Salmond wants independance for the greater good of the Scottish is disillusioned and much the same Cameron etc for England. Furthering a career is all it is about. Nationalistic speeches stir the blood and get people to follow where they otherwise wouldn't. If Mr Wallace shouted "lets go and probably get stabbed to death" no one would have followed. Freedom for Scotland is more compelling. Ironic considering he was of Welsh heritage. ?
If they learn how to make cars burn pasties you never know but i think the Scottish basis for an economy is slightly stronger than that of Kent and Cornwall. Maybe if Tin takes off the Cornish might have a shout but they are all basically ex French anyway and we know what they do in a fight. :biggrin: