Mutley Ride - Benson to TBC Saturday 28th September

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Kirky, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Dick dastardly it looks like we're going to have to bring our own cakes :mad:
  2. Or you could bring cakes for all...
  3. There could be bacon cakes though the cake part does get a bit doughy almost breadlike....

    Car Parking - May have to consider H Cafe up the road at Berinsfield if numbers look a bit challenging for Waterside Cafe. Will pop in and have a chat with them.
  4. Hoping to tag along.
    Add me to the list!
  5. Definitely hoping to be there - can you confirm starting point and where it becomes the MCN meet up.
  6. Chris see top of this thread re start point (Benson) then onto Aylesbury Ducati with MCN peep. At least that's what I think is happening!!!!!
  7. Benson is the starting point at the moment (refer 1st post) but as numbers are climbing this may change to H Cafe Berinsfield. Will confirm by next weekend and update 1st post.

    Andy@MCN stated:
    All going to plan I should be in for this. See as many of you as can make it at the arrival point.

    Andy Downes
  8. Meeting Point & Parking

    Waterfront Cafe Benson is confirmed :upyeah:

    As there may be more bikes than usual, can we all try and park in the spaces up against the river (4 spaces I think) if free, 4 bikes to a space if possible.

    We can also ride past the barriers at the back of these spaces pointing away from the water. I will try and arrive a little earlier to play parking attendant.

    If anyone else wants the route to help if the group gets split up, please pm me with your email address.
  9. Kirky, is it worth you posting your mobile for contact purposes, and maybe a marking system could be used???? those not familiar it works on the principal you have a lead rider who knows route, and rides his own ride, every time he turns left/right or crosses a junction where the rest of the group following cant see, the bike immediately behind marks the junction until the backmarker ( who also knows route) signals to the person marking that they can continue, its a method we use at Wey Valley Advanced Motorcyclists WVAM, and works if everyone knows the system, it may also be worth disclaiming that those on the ride, are deemed to be in control of their own vehicles at all time, that way you wont get blamed if someone F****s up
  10. I'd imagine the finer details of group riding will be given before we set off...thats normal etiquette when riding with lots you don't know. Personally I tend to go for the keep an eye on the guy behind method. That way you don't move til you see them at junctions and mostly keeps everyone on track and stops anyone getting well out of their comfort zone insisting on trying to keep up.
  11. Let's not get anally retentive about it. Kirky is pretty good at waiting at the major road junctions until everybody has caught up. It'll be fine. Besides, we all know the destination.
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  12. ..or could keep going West towards the Westcountry (Cornwall)...its been a long while since I've rode in a big group:mad:...
  13. Pete wasn't being anal just cautios there have been several incidents where a group has done a ride, something's happened and the lead rider has been incited as he they had arranged ride, as bradders said it is often about who's behind, and you don't know other riders behaviours, so was only expressing caution
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  14. Having done many rides with big numbers in the past (I have led Butlin's MCN ride-outs which can have as many as 500 riders both with and without Police assistance) there is always the option of not riding as a big group which may work better when people don't know each other that well.
    Having been on a ride out years ago and when I was five yards behind a woman who was almost incapable of riding a motorcycle who then ended up having a head-on with a car on a left-hand bend, being thrown into my path (thankfully I missed her but the bike behind didn't) and then having to look after a young girl passenger from the car who had the airbag go off as a result of the accident, I am more than happy not to have a repeat of that. Thankfully the lady motorcycle rider wasn't badly injured.

    If people leave in small groups at intervals then no one feels any pressure to keep up, ride outside their own comfort zone and a large and intimidating pack of bikes isn't going to be upsetting any villagers or motorists.

    This would be very much my favoured option as the way big groups work make for a boring ride for those up front who have to keep the speed ludicrously low so as not to cause those at the back to ride far too fast to try and keep up. In my experience it has meant those not used to riding in groups have someone at the front doing 40mph, those at the back doing 140mph to keep in sight.

    Group riding can create serious issues because it naturally leads the least comfortable and experience riders to go faster than anyone else to try and keep up and way faster than they would normally.

    As has been said, everyone knows where we are going so perhaps meeting at the destination when people are ready and able is a better option than leaving en masse.

  15. All,

    Numbers/Groups - We can review on the Saturday morning subject to how many turn up/weather conditions/peoples preference.

    There are a few riders coming who I have ridden with in large groups in Europe/Scotland, so I am sure we can break into 2 or three groups if that looks like the best arrangement. Any others can ride in smaller groups or alone, as works best for them.

    I will post more details of the route in due course as not everyone will know or be familiar with the roads we're taking and I have ITN/GPX file for those with satnavs (PM me).

    I will be slowing and at times stopping, to keep the group together, so everyone can just settle down at the pace they're comfortable with :upyeah:

    More information to follow as we get closer to the 28th.
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  16. Indeed. Each person is solely responsible for how, when, and where they ride at all times; thus Kirky cannot be held responsible for anything apart from his own riding. The more instructions you issue to people, the more responsible for their actions you become. And you don't want that.
  17. Hi Kirky
    would love to be there.....under one condition! Pls organise the weather so we don't freeze our noonies off like we did on Easter Monday. :)

    I will try and be there but will have to be back at a set bday party. PM ing you for route.

  18. Depending on the weather I should be there. I live in Aylesbury so know the roads well and wouldn't mind leading a small group on some good roads if that's how the morning pans out.
    I'll be on my 996 if it works that day :)
  19. PM sent with route :upyeah:

    NOTE - Original post updated with route place names if anyone wants to get a better idea of the roads we'll take.
    #39 Kirky, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2013
  20. OK Fritz, I booked dry weather weeks ago so see you Saturday. You can peel off at any point and route emailed.
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