This is typical of the ignorance exhibited in the debate. scottish GDP excluding oil is 99% of UK GDP Not all oil is in the waters of the islands. But if they want to go it alone, fair enough
so what about free school meals for English school kids Drugs on the English NHS not available in Scotland 2nd cancer appointment within 30 days of the first. none of these happen in Scotland. Amongst many others its about choices and priorities. The LibDems stood at the last election promising free Uni. People didn't vote them in as a majority government so you can't complain about it!
John, I don't think you have posted one truth in this whole thread. battle of bannockburn 23-24 June referendum 18 September
This does get my goat, people telling me what I can or cannot do and giving opinion as fact. Firstly if I voted LD but not enough others did, how does that take away my ability to complain? If I didn't vote thats different..And I assume you will support every policy, entirely, that Salmond and his cohort have then? And of course if you don't get what you want, you will have no right to complain, right?! I'd love to see the facts re revenue, tax, expenditure etc because as always I suspect both sides talk more fiction the Arthur C Clarke oh and of course English schools wont be racist, as they are in Scotland, and ALL children will get free meals regardless of where they come from. Something to learn there...
So tell what is wrong with this then. The Scots could use the pound if independent but what they wouldn't have is any control over it with regards to monetary policy. A bit like the PIIGS in Europe.
And we can nick all the offshore oil and gas rigs anyway. I mean, what they gonna fight us off with? A smacked up crew in a prawn trawler from Peterheed??
Ok, I take your point about complaining, but you can't complain about what happens in Scotland. The same happens here. People complain that cancer treatment in England is better in England than Scotland. It's also better in the US, but then they have a different system. My English girlfriend has never experienced racism here. Fair to say she is not at school though Lastly, ever piece of data I have given comes from the UK government, office of national statistics. If you don't believe me, check it out yourself. Much of it is in the GERS report.
Yes the BoE does set interest rates in the UK. So you say I haven't posted one truth in this whole thread when you are unsure of who controls the fundamental lever of monetary policy
When will you learn that there is a difference between corelation and causation ? The BoE sets interest rates for Sterling taking many factors into account. An independent Scotland using the Pound would have no say in that process. Which was the point I made earlier which you said was untrue.