Should veils be banned in schools and public places ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Ban it everywhere, then i'll stop coming in your post offices with my crash helmet on and scaring you shitless like you do my little boy. Plus, some look really fit and i want to know what face to save in my wank bank.
  2. So are you saying that "breezing into another country and ignoring the customs and religion of the inhabitants" is a good thing, or a bad thing? Justified or not justified? You do not make it clear.
  3. One of my mates is a muslim, and his missus wears a face mask when theyre out but not in the house. having sen her face, i wish she'd put the fkr back on, but i digress.
    Whats strange is that if i go round there to see him and he's upstairs in the bathroom or whatever i have to wait outside in my car....i suppose its on the offchance i wont be able to contain my desire..but i think its more to do with how she is perceived by entertaining a man other than her hubby..different doesnt particularly bother me though...but why i cant be sat in the living room while she's in the back scrubbing the kitchen floor is beyond me.
    A funny cultural thing to, is that he has his own private room in the house..when we retire to it, its out of bounds and the kids have to knock on the door etc..he's also got a white mistress that his wife knows about...He's born and bred in this country and is a cracking bloke, but i guess he wants a traditional bride for his children and a slut for his bellend(?)
  4. "A cracking bloke"? On your account, he sounds like an utter scumbag. If he has any redeeming features at all, you have failed to mention them. Or was that your point?
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  5. I know many (born in the UK) muslims. And I know them well. They all do this. Without exception.
  6. hahaha....

    you fkn dinosaur...

    love it!
  7. he makes a nice cup of tea..
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  8. Apart from the fact you reap what you sow.............I really don't f***ing care, as much as I don't care about the Scottish issue.

    Whatever I think, won't make f*** all difference, so don't drag me into your silly minded attempt at your own debates, which I note you have tried do do with another poster as well.
  10. +1 on the beards
  11. never trust a man with a beard...

    or a track suit wearing cigar smoker.
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  12. A ever trust a woman with a beard, or a cigar rolled between the thighs of a woman with a beard.
  13. As do many others whatever faith it's not confined to Muslims only
  14. No I dont think they should be banned as Muslim women should have a choice to wear a "mask"

    I have served a Muslim lady in said dress and I didn't have a problem talking to her as I could see her eyes and hear the smile in her voice

    Just what is the problem, have you all had such terrible experiences of these women or are you just all on the media hype bandwagon

    What about being treated in hospital by one of these women would you refuse treatment because they were wearing a mask

    What about a theatre nurse who wears a mask would you refuse them because you can't see their face

    What about nuns should we include them in this argument because you can't ban one religion and not the other surely?
  15. well a theatre nurse is a completely different situation.
    if your in theatre you probably dont want germs into your wound so it is a functional piece of operatus.
  16. Didn't say it wasn't. But muslims like to perpetuate polygamy. Other religions just like to shag around. :wink:
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  17. Nuns show their faces - as far as I know.

    The thing is, most communication is apparently non-verbal. People pick up on what others mean through all sorts of clues which have little to do with what they actually say. Some disembodied voice coming at you through a veil severely curtails the communication you can have with that person. That is partly the whole point of the veil - it's to make sure that Muslim women don't form any relationships, especially with men, whether platonic or not, without the say so of husband, father, brothers, cousins and whatnot.

    So yes, I wouldn't enjoy serving someone dressed in this way and I certainly wouldn't expect to be served by them either.
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  18. ar the bonkers comparisons. I'd hope if in surgery its not a niqab but something a little more infitting and hygenic, and nuns dont cover their faces ;0)
  19. Sorry Ducbird but I can't agree with you on most of your post except the bit that muslim women should have a choice but it’s not certain that they have in a lot of cases, its dictated by their somewhat backward extended families.

    Hospital masks are worn as a practical measure and in most cases the surgical staff will have spoken to you without the mask before you are put under. If I was in hospital and the doctor was wearing a mask during the consultation I would ask them to remove the mask or request another doctor. Sorry but the imbalance in the communication is not acceptable.

    I do not believe this is a religious issue as I don’t think the koran calls for this rule, it is a social issue that has been put in place by a male dominated society (happy to be corrected on this if I'm wrong). But even if the Koran does call for the mask, why do we have to make allowances in general society for nonsensical religious ideas

    Personally I don't think there should be a ban on the mask in normal daily situations but I reserve the right to refuse to interact with anyone who is hiding their face. This has nothing to do with racism, misogamy, sexism or any of the other accusations that are thrown around with little thought. However, there are cases and situations where is should be compulsory for people to show their face, such as security checks at airports and law courts, and I don’t think that there should be any account taken of pseudo religious arguments that men can’t be allowed to see a woman’s face, although I see no harm in working around this if there is not impact on the running of the organisation concerned.
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  20. That's a very good point. If it's not a religious precept, then it's a social thing - so it's not even an aspect of religious freedom that is being impinged upon if the veil is banned. That might avoid that particular hornet's nest.

    Does anyone know what happens precisely at passport control when a family shows up from Saudi Arabia with the wife (grandmothers, aunts, cousins etc) all behind veils? Ditto when they leave the country? Are they all taken to some special room somewhere where a female immigration official is allowed to look at the female faces? Or do they just breeze through? Or are the women required to bare their faces to any official who asks?
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