Should veils be banned in schools and public places ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Diplomatic channel Glidd. They are all related to the Royal Family
  2. I was getting a flight to the US last year when four young girls (all burqa'd up) were going through security. They were all taken aside by a female security officer and were "seen to" so to speak.

    They also happened to be on the same flight to Washington as me, and I was sat next to a guy who was absolutely shit scared of flying (He'd had a bad experience 20 years previous and had never flown since. He'd even been on a plane/runway several times in that 20 years but always freaked out and got off the plane and never made the flights). He held my, and his wife's hand throughout the flight and wanted us to talk calmly to him for the whole 7 or so hours we were in the air. It was really funny having to explain every creak and noise that the plane made whilst up in the air.

    Just after we took off he saw the same (still burqa'd) girls in their garb and he freaked out! His wife and I had to physically restrain him and calm him down, assuring him that they would never have got through security unless they were "bomb free".

    I did explain that it was not the flying bit that he should be worried about but the crashing bit. He didn't seem to appreciate my joshing.

    By the end of the flight he was sopping wet with persperation. It was not a pretty sight.
    #142 El Toro, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
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  3. @ Glid - your idea of getting rid of "disembodied voices" taken to its logical conclusion, means we should do away with McDonalds drive-throughs... So - having thought about it - I am totally in favour !
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  4. Hilarious!
  5. My colleague, who was sat over the aisle to me, was pissing himself laughing all the way to Washington. :biggrin:
  6. Fucking hypocrites (see what I did there!).
  7. Can it be made law that all women have Fandows (fanny windows)? I don't give a damn about the rest.
  8. Its really very straightforward.

    Those who wish not to integrate with the rest of society identify themselves by hiding their faces/identity. They are rounded up on sight and simply driven to the nearest airport to be flown to Gibraltar. There they will a) acclimatise to warmer climes before rowing across to N Africe from where they can strike out to wherever it is they prefer to live other than Britain and b) ensure that Spain decides it doesn't want Gib back after all cos its full of troublesome non-itegrators.

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  9. when i worked in the UAE, you'd see women every now and again driving (a white merc or toyota usually) with either a veil, or strangely, a black net curtain around ALL of the windows..could be any fekker in there.

    I'd never thought of that..perhaps we should make them MANdaTORY.

    However, on a less superficial topic than face masks, the greatest liberator for female emancipation is women having control over their own fertility..Men have obsessed about this for eons...particularly when they didnt understand the biology of us societies where women control their fertility we have a more peaceful, liberated and secular society..unfortunately, youve got to do a lot of killing before they get to that.

    Finally...on the subject of womens freedom...WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WOMENS LIBBERS????


    Theyre all too busy in their comfy middle classed suburban coffee mornings chattering about the terrible way those football pundits talked off air....Too easy girls...Where are the gobby bitches on Loose Women and Netmums??? Fkn nowhere..Wheres that Aussie twat Grier????
    No, its all because religion gets a get of jail free card because of so called moderate religion opening the door, or tacitly allowing this stuff to happen. Shame on them..They have plenty to say about the magazines putting pressure on women to lose weight..the same magazine they buy or write for....and then love to gossip about some poor cow who has either gained/lost weight after a kid, or got her 'beach body' back..fkn bullshit...its too easy to hide in plain sight...
    Why arent women everywhere kicking off??
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  10. Wow thats quite something........................Trouble is I'm not sure what!

    His overall tone is angry rabid old man but when you listen to what he says there is a lot of logic in it. I'm going to listen to that a few more times and have a good think about it. Thanks for posting it
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  11. I shall be watching this a few more times, and also more of his entries on't tube. Thanks Mr. R for pointing me in his direction.
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  12. This does not mean I agree with everything he says, but a well constructed argument is the firm basis for healthy debate, whether you agree with it or not.
  13. Some of his "threads" of logic are odd. He spends much of his time decrying what he does not agree with, I would like to see a more positive "speech" on what he does agree with, but I suppose (like the media), that would not draw much attention.

    I will keep watching, but the more I see, the more I think he has one speech which is reshaped and rehashed again, and again. Sounds like a politician. Heaven forfend!!!
  14. Bored with him already!
  15. to be honest, Milton Keynes is a very ethnically diverse and cosmopolitan city, and its extremely rare to see a burka here, so I really don't see it as too much of a problem. If there were a proven reason as to why there is a detriment to public security or safety then a ban would be appropriate. At the moment I don't see the tiny percentage of women wearing the burka to be significant enough to make a ban anything other than culturally ignorant.
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  16. Be careful what you wish for......

    #157 philoldsmobile, Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2013
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  17. So what would the percentage of face mask wearers have to be, before you decided a ban was justified? 5%? 10%?
  18. The percentage would presumably have to be high enough that the subset of of wearers engaged in criminal behaviour became significant.

    To illustrate ... say 1% of the population wears a face mask - a 1% criminal element of that subset of the total population is perhaps not a problem, or not a enormous one.
    If 50% of the population wears a face mask, the 1% subset then becomes a rather larger issue.

    If you want me to fully quantify the issue, I will be happy to but ... are you sure you can afford my time?
  19. If there is no detriment, it can be whatever it needs to be.
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