Scooter engine blew up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. As above Cock bought a lemon
  2. Not heard of them . Is it dance music or something?
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  3. It wasn't blown up by the FBI was it ?:cool:
  4. Why am I not surprised Lucas?
  5. Makes a change from a cock in a melon
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  6. Clocked it ...


  7. Your name on logbook is kiss of death for any vehicle.
  8. Is that the remains of Luca or the scooter?..........I mean, there is blackened pole sticking up............
  9. Nah, not necessarily a lemon. Every small cc 2 stroke I ever owned blew up. They just do it, unless you are riding like miss daisy.

    you get used to a bit of speed, torque and responsiveness then have to rag the plums out of your stroker to get anywhere.

    good luck with the rebuild and resale.
  10. Yes but it only lasted a month and it is not a 2 stoke!!

    Anyhu recovery man said it looks electrical as engine starts and revs freely when not under load. There is no oil leak as well and you can ride it up to about 15 mph before it starts choking, banging and vibrating like 10 ducatis in one.

    Any suggestions?

    I was thinking I changed front brake lever last night as it was bent and tried to change rear one but failed.
    Could that be it? I know you need to press and hold rear brake before you start engine.
  11. D'oh! Apologies for the assumption of it being a stroker!

    Rebuilt a few strokers a good few years ago after blowing them up, but am a bit shit with 4stroke engines.

    I'm sure there are some here who are far better equipped to give advice on it.
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