Found this on my garage door.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Possibly means fucked up bike inside
  2. Perhaps it not about an "unmade bed", but peoples reaction to it ? :wink:
  3. She's gotta face like an un-made bed
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Someone had something in mind when they designed this wall....


  5. Amazing what you can do with Photoshop...
  6. @ NZDave - doing something purely to provoke a reaction is not, in itself, art - surely ?
  7. bit of a bitch too then :eek:
  8. Now now, just because you were expecting to be on the list and weren't!
  9. That's why he invested heavily (or lightly) in carbon - if that don't impress her, she don't deserve him....

  10. Id be more worried if I were :tongue:
  11. Depends on medium, place and intention I think.
  12. [[​IMG]
    only five minutes mounting and spraying :)[/QUOTE]

    I love Mounting and spraying !!!
  13. I wish I had a garage door for people to leave messages on :-(
  14. Oh Viv, going up in the world now eh??

    whats so very wrong with the toilet cubicle door?

  15. It's full :-/
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