how times flies etc..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. i realised this morning that its exactly 6 years to the day that a blind fkr Mr.Magoo pulled out on me at a junction and deposited me in a was a day like to of those, not too common sunny september afternoons..oddly enough i was on that stretch of road yesterday..
  2. Yep, life is for living, it isn't a dress rehearsal.
  3. Should I take this dress off then? :tongue:
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  4. It's the weekend, you can do what you like :upyeah:
  5. Phew :smile:
  6. Just don't wear it next Friday or I will take pics and post them here!
  7. What a coincidence. 6 years ago today I realised I had a crappy job and that my life was going nowhere. Its funny I was stuck in the same rutt today too :tongue:
  8. Ah, but you didn't have all that carbon six years ago....
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  9. Pics or it didn't happen!
  10. Six years ago I didn't have my Diavel. Now I do. Carpe Diem (thank you Horace).
  11. ...and it didn't happen again. Result.
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