1098 STreetfighter or Diavel ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Albaird, May 30, 2012.

  1. Hello All

    I am new to this forum and am looking for some advice.

    I currently ride a 2010 Kawasaki Z1000 but will be changing to either a 1098 Streetfighter of the Diaval. I know these two bikes are quite different and have ridden both but I just can decide which suits me better.

    I am 6 foot 2 and quite chunky build, my concern with the streetfighter is that i will become uncomfortable over longer trips (weight on the wrists etc) as my current Z1000 has a bit more upright position. As for the Diavel i dont think comfort will be a problem but wonder if it is sporty enough for me, i def prefer the look of the streetfighter but may have to sacrifice that for comfort because as I approach my 40's and suffer the aches and pains of two decades of playing rugby these thing seem to be more important

    I will be interested to here what your guys out there think of my predicament?

    thanks in advance

  2. Have you thought about a Multistrada? Might give you the best of both worlds.
  3. ....could always get an 1198 and take painkillers :wink:

    If it's a straight choice between those two, in your position I'd go for the Diavel ....... for a 'cruiser' style bike it goes 'round corners a lot better than you'd expect ...... and speaking as someone who can give you a few years and still be older, the aches & pains don't get any easier !
  4. No really given the multistrada any consideration as it is quite a leap in style from anything i have previosly had (always had sports or naked sports bikes) Might have to go and look at one in the flesh this weekend to see if it could be a contended - or maybe it will just muddy the water for me !!
  5. Get the one you like the best, otherwise it may not scratch your bike itch.

    I'm nearly 49 and after younger years of full contact martial arts starting to get arthritis in my hands and sciatica. I'd rather take a few Nurofen and ride something I love (1098s & SDR) than suffer the ignominy of ride I liked :smile:.
  6. I reckon the pikes peak multi is a pretty good compromise if you can find one...
  7. I'm approaching my fifties and have an extra ten years Rugby related aches, still manage to ride round on my 900SS so I would think comfort on either of these two would not be an issue.
    Come to think of it, Comfort? what are you? a footballer? :tongue:
  8. Well - I think the crux of the matter is that i love the look of the Streetfighter and and am not entirely sure about the other contenders, it probably still suits my ridding style as i do like to do the odd track day maybe once a year and think I will manage to do this for a few years yet. So, now its just a matter of seeing what sort of deal the local dealer can do me and then worrying about the fact that my leathers and lid will not match a red bike !!! Drama !
  9. Go with the Streetfighter. It sounds like the bike you want.

    I think the new 848 version as a slightly more upright stance. You might want to ask your dealer if that can be adapted to the 1098 version.
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