.......to Colchester Crematorium........... .............I might just as well............ I was there two weeks ago for a close relative's funeral and now one of my best mates has died, so I'm back again this week.......... ..........Two in a month.......... Any more, while I'm there? AL
I'm wondering if I should get a camp bed and wait for the next one.............or my own..........saves the petrol.....(travelling, I mean, not starting the fire) AL
I hope it's a bloody long while before your demise Al! But I know what you mean, it seems to go in spells where you can go ages without anyone passing away, and then you seem to spend most of your time attending church or the crematorium for some poor soul. I had a funeral last week for an ex workmate, and am just hoping that it isn't the start of a run of funerals.
I have a put a camp bed; kettle; sleeping bag (she never 'kin wakes up, lazy g*t); and little stove in the car boot, plus a can of paraffin (for the stove).....
Go and have a good game of golf-that'll keep everything in perspective. chin up sir, chin up, these things go in fits and starts, you'll hopefully be around a long while yet!
Golf? Golf????? That's the game you play before you die (well, you know what I mean...........you can't exactly play it afterwards) AL
thought that might get the blood pumpin'!!!! next time your passing a cemetery, do a survey- one hundred inhabitants, when asked, all said they wished they had the chance to go and play golf..... top answer
It is an unfortunate part of life to have to attend these functions, but I do find it a favourable one to see loved ones off in the best way possible... Been to the Crem far to much myself for my years myself, and will be going this weekend to see the boy!... It's sad but we all have to go there one day!...
Al your going nowhere!!! I have lost a couple of friends one was very close to me. His funeral was one of the worst days of my life. Oh yes and if my family dare mess with mine il haunt them forever! I have a haunting list actually .. I have a few people I'm coming back to annoy move stuff about .. Make loud noises .. Pull off their bed clothes.. I'm not going into the light I'm going to do some haunting I've decided!