You know life is great when......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. decked head to foot in full gear, you stall your exotic Italian Superbike in front of loads of people when trying to pull away from the lights :mad: Praise be the dark visor :upyeah:
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  2. Thanks for sharing.
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  3. Not as bad as when trying to park it in front of a load of bikers in a crowded carpark, get caught out by the lack of steering lock, overbalance and topple over, laying your pride and joy on the ground. :mad:

    Praise be the dark visor indeed. Don't think I lifted it up for fully 15 minutes.
    #3 gliddofglood, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
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  4. Or let the clutch out at the traffic lights with you neighbour behind you to roar away and realise that you had snicked it into neutral previously.
  5. I did that when I was taking a shortcut through Slough in the Summer! - To say I was embarrassed is an understatement...
  6. Christ I'd be embarrassed if I had to go through Slough too :frown:
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  7. I'll raise you a dropping it right outside the Ducati factory on the way to WDW, and no dark visor! I blame the little bit of wood they put down under the sidestand just as I parked it - I had a sidestand puck in my luggage anyway so no need.

    At least I didn't send all the other bikes it was parked next to over like dominos.
  8. I raise you pushing your crashed Ducati on to the Isle of Man ferry in Douglas in front of a boatload of motorcyclists, and having to push it off again at the other end (fortunately into the arms of Steve Wynne of Sports Motorcycles fame who had come to take it away for repair).

    Yes, I've done that too, people.
  9. You're more cack handed than me :biggrin:
  10. it is a shithole granted, but saves me a lot of time when the M4 or M25 is fooked!...
  11. I raise you running along pushing & bump starting a lambretta into a parked van outside a scooter shop with all my mates there. Watching.
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  12. taking a mates rd80lc for a ride and bringing it back in pieces
  13. Whilst a youngster in Italy, we used to hang out at a local bar after school, said bar was on a busy roundabout/junction near one of the city gates.

    I turned up on my old Ducati 250 Scrambler and saw a few Females sitting outside so decided to 'impress' them with a wheelie ('coz all the the Ladies love wheelies, don'tcha know). :rolleyes:

    Anyway, overcooked it and came off the back but as I was not going too fast I was able to run behind the bike to keep it upright - well, for a couple of seconds anyway until I dropped it and ended up lying in the road with the bike roaring away on it's side and surrounded by cars. :redface:

    Fortunately no serious harm done but my stunting didn't really have the desired affect with the Ladies.

    Didn't have the anonymity of a dark visor either or even a helmet for that matter, plus they knew who I was anyway... :biggrin:
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  14. I've improved over the years. The TT debacle was in 1987, I think.

    But I did used to fall off with such regularity that I seriously did ask myself if I was cut out for this motorcycling lark.

    I always answered, after due consideration, "Yes".
  15. At age 15, wheelied a Vespa 125 Sportique into the passenger door of a parked car, just as I saw the look of terror on the face of the nun sitting in the passenger seat! That took some explaining... and all the money I could scrape together for the next 6 months to pay for the repairs to the convent's brand new (at time of impact) car.
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  16. The nun's prayers had just been answered - and the answer was No.
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  17. She wasn't be precise enough when she prayed for a handsome young chap to come and smash her doors in!
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  18. Oh i have a gooden

    I had just finished fueling up at a petrol station out in Watford near where i use to work. Put the bike out to the side to allow others to fuel as it was small station and busy, good deed done, paid for fuel get back on the bike and will not start. It was a intermittant problem i was having, anyway as i have done before will bump start it, was a 98 M600, there was a run across the front of the forecourt slightly down hill, thought this is perfect. Waited for the right moment, cars to clear, start running with the bike and as i go to jump on my leg gets caught on the footpeg, I went down on one knee, now I am being dragged across the forecourt trying to hold the bike upright stuck under the footpeg whilst holding the handlebars. Managed some how to brake and stop, but then the bike fell on me, and i could not lift it as i was now stuck under it, oh did I mention the Station was full of people with a line of cars waiting. The chap who was fueling his car ran over and helped me, to say i was embarrassed was an understatment, never went to that station again, I might as well have been on a stage with an audiance.
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  19. Then you could have charged - people would pay good money to see it.
  20. at the tender age of about 8, on stage in some hall - strangely enough in Watford - Scottish dancing - froze solid fell over & kicked the sword into the audience

    not been near a stage since,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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