If the car had got within a foot of me he'd have lost his wing mirror at the very least. Find him, Matt, and remind him you're a vulnerable road user by twatting him round the head
Would you like me to find him and twat him? I'm off into London this morning. I'll give him a dose of Angry Van Man treatment...
I was in a long queue of traffic yesterday, and was overtaking cars and filtering slowly and carefully as you do. I pulled in front of a silver smeg mobile and the driver leant on his horn. I got of my bike and turned around, making a "what is the problem" gesture. The driver would not look at me. I then got back on the bike, and continued. As soon as I had moved off, the driver leant on his horn again. Wanker #1 = him. Wanker #2 = me for taking the bait!
The world is full of tossers, thankfully still in the minority, but you'll always get one idiot who takes exception to bikes pulling in front. I reckon that, given the shocking reputation 'bikers' have in the UK, you're well within your remit to drag the guy out of the car and stamp on his face repeatedly. It's what they expect.
Its been a long long time since I've nearly caused a traffic accident just by walking along the pavement - nearly happened this morning but not for the same reasons,,,,, Note to self: have a quick glance in the mirror before leaving the house.
Oh, I know this one. Skirt tucked into the back of the knickers, Char? There needs to be a paragraph in the Highway Code about woman who do this - us poor men can only concentrate on crumpet at any given time.
Not sure. I scared all the golf drivers I came across though. Well, all the drivers, to be more precise...