So, long story, but got completely fucked over by a colleague earlier this year who was completely in the wrong. She basically made a bunch of lies and went (literally) crying to higher management when I challenged her about it. Next thing I know, I was told in no uncertain terms that I'm being moved off that part of the project, and onto another large part of the same project. No problem for me, and have had a good time for the last 4 months, and achieved a lot. so, earlier this week a bit of work came through to get another circuit installed into a highly secure customer site. I was immediately selected for the work, but it's not the area I work in now, and passed it back to the bitch who caused the problems in the first place... got a phone call this evening from my boss as the dumb bint has gone off to senior management, crying again, that I'm being difficult and argumentative... My boss actually agrees with me, but some of the senior project managers now consider me a trouble maker... Truth is, the bitch hasn't a clue how to do the work, and is trying to offload it. decided that I'm going to go spastic tomorrow about it... Don't fackin care about the consequences... I work in IT for a huge IT Services company by the way as a Project Manager...
I was in IT for over 20 years and really enjoyed most of my time doing it. I got about as high up the food chain as its possible to get and then it stopped being fun. I got fed up with constantly moving goal posts and corporate politics, so 10 years ago I jacked it all in. I bought a company that makes furniture and I've never been happier. I took a 50k pa pay cut and have not regretted it. You can't beat the feeling of being your own boss, knowing that all the decisions you make are for your benefit and not someone else's. Its tough sometimes, there are many challenges, but if you've got what it takes to succeed then its well worth the effort.
That is exactly what I need to do, been looking at setting up a couple of small businesses recently and as long as I can make enough to survive to start with that's all that matters
Quick fix is to go contracting in the same field, you've got the skills and time served and you'll double your basic overnight. I jumped shipped back in 97 and apart from a 2 year stint working for one of the big smartphone manufacturers I'm back contracting, don't get me wrong you have just as much crap but you walk out of the door and switch off, and if you're like me you jump into your car or on your bike which you couldn't afford being a permie and enjoy the commute home knowing your in/on something nice and that's the reason you take the shit
Bollox to all the working for somebody else shite, I want to set up a nice very biker friendly coffee shop by the seaside :smile:
This^^^^. Granted I am in a very different field, but I now work based at home, get a premium fuel rate if I travel to see anyone and ironically work with different importers who supply my old employer! 6 months in for me an it was a great move.......DO IT, life is too short!
I agree with the Freak! I went contracting in IT project management about 13-years ago and have never looked back. As Freak said its the same shit at times but you get better pay for taking the said shit and you don't need to get involved with the office politics. It has its down sides but on the whole its well worth it
Freak is right, stay with IT if that's what you know and want to stay in the same field. I've lost touch with the IT contract market now but I know it used to be very lucrative. I had SAP consultants working for me on £1500 per day. Bonkers money
Actually I've changed my mind. You stay where you are cos us folks already contracting don't need the competition. You just go into the office this morning bend over and assume the correct position, take whats comming, and then turn around and say thank you as you pick up your monthly salary. Seriously though I think contracting is good but there the negatives as well. Some companies do treat contractors badly and think they need take no notice at all of the human side of working life because you're a contractor. These are quite rare but they do exist! Also the £1500 a day rates that Gilps mentioned are not so common now (sadly) and tend to apply to specialist skills but the rates are still worth having even though you have to pay various taxes etc on them. i do reccommend contracting but do check it out carfully to see if it is right for you before you jump (hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs) Good luck whatever you decide to do
do it, sold everything i had three years ago, after starting a work shop for somebody else and got well and truly shafted, nabbed all their customers. going ok. stressful but different kind of stress.
trouble is in our country its so autumn/spring you'd take hammering.. it would be nice though...