Al's post "moving in"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulk563, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Al's post "moving in"

    Is strangely ironic, as he is in Basildon hospital after suffering a heart attack!!!

    He as asked to update his thread, so this is why he has not been on here for a few days.

    He is in good spirits but board silly and looking forward to getting home.

    I will keep you posted as to his condition as he tells me!

    I am sure he just wanted fussing over by some pretty nurses!
  2. Please wish him well
  3. F@*k :frown: tell him our thoughts are with him
  4. Tell him to have an attractive nurse to give him a bed bath before he leaves. Send my best please
  5. send him a group collective hug :upyeah:
  6. All the best for a swift recovery Al.

  7. That's really shit. Basildon is awful.:smile: GWS soon Al.
  8. Pics of the attractive Nurses or it never happened.

  9. Best wishes Al, get well soon
  10. Best wishes Al - the beat goes on !
  11. May you survive many more heart attacks over the years to come!
  12. Tell him 'I told you so !'. Then wish him well.
  13. Get well soon Al.
  14. GWS you old git! :upyeah:
  15. Well the old bugger's still alive. I just called Basildon hospital. Al is in Rodin ward, and awaiting a phone call from his wife, so didn't want to tie up the line speaking to me. I passed on my best wishes to him via the ward sister and let him know that a lot of us are thinking of him and wish him well soon.
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  16. Get well Soon AL
  17. Sorry to hear this, get well soon Al :upyeah:
  18. Al just called me from his hospital bed, sounded good to me. He has already had a stent fitted as there was a blockage, so that has addressed the immediate problem.

    He said he is studying the 'heart beep monitor' and he is doing o.k until he thinks about his missus when it increases somewhat!

    I passed on our collective good wishes to him and let him know there are a lot of people thinking about him. He should be out of hospital very soon.
  19. GWS Al, we need you back here asap!
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