I used to have a company that made furniture and employed 110 people. I never had a moment to myself. Sounds great that you are your own boss and that you aren't accountable to anyone. Couldn't be further from the truth. I had a great big mouth to feed (the workers) and I was always accountable to the frigging bank.
Being your own boss does have its perks but would I start up again in this day and age...........................Never! I am accountable to my customers which is more demanding than being accountable to a line manager. I am also accountable to a degree to my employees. Each one of them having mortgages and mouths to feed. I havent been accountable to the bank for nearly 10 years now and that is a great relief. Before taking a job on I always way up if its good money or bad money regardless of client. Believe it or not some of the blue chips have become bad money for obvious reasons.
Too glib a statement. We made money but it could still be a ball ache keeping 110 people employed. I'm glad I got out when I did.
For six months before I sold out it was rubbish. When the deal was done it was like a huge weight off my shoulders
If its any consolation, I had a colleague who dumped on me often. I was glad he left and moved to another company. Today a company we use gave me a call as they'd had an application from someone for a position there. The guy who called me is someone I have a good relationship with as I always specify his product and put business his way. Because they are good. Anyway the applicant was the aforementioned ex colleague. My reference was to the point and needless to say he will not be successful in his application. Karma. What goes around comes around. I abide by this rule and have found it proven time and time again. Happy days.
I though the convention was that unless you had something good to say you said nothing ? I am sure it did feel good though
If someone asked my opinion, I'd give it to them. It's like the laughable feedback on eBay. You're not really allowed to give honest feedback. It's a farce.
I'm not the boss John. The guy called me as the Boss was on another line. Thus it was an unofficial reference. I dont think officially you are allowed to say someone is a waste of space, a personalityless fuckwit who'd shit on their own grandma if it meant he could avoid doing anything and then blame you for not doing it. I may also have used the c word somewhere there too. Did it feel good? Yes it fucking did. Like I said Karma. Thing is I am not alone in this opinion. My entire office shares it and everyone laughed their bollocks off. It has made everyones day.
If you'll allow me to say so, I think your website is underselling what looks like a fab product. You should get your photos made far bigger. Photos sell stuff. There is probably more to say but that would be an excellent start. You really want your site to look as pro as your product is.
Yes, the product does look good, hardwood frames are a rarity these days. Some examples of finished items wouldn't go amiss either, although I do understand you only make the frames.
Interesting feedback, I'll certainly take the on board what you say. My thinking behind the the lack of information is to really just have a basic site that comes up on a Google search and then prompts potential customers to call or email so i can talk to them in more detail. It seems to work, but there's always room for improvement. Part of the problem that I have with pictures is the that in almost all cases, the designs belong to my customers and most would be unwilling to let us publish their designs.
Paul What about the customer giving you a testimonial letter to put on your site with a pic if they would like I like to read about customer satisfaction
I'm thinking that I may have to set up a small part of the forum for people to advertise their businesses, websites, blogs et al...just an idea, may add it to the big change of 2013 (which is what Im calling the Superbike section revamp......whenever I get around to doing it) :tongue:
And that exactly why they rob you blind... but feel no remorse : they also rob you blind if you do pay a lot...