im looking at the new aria rx7gp and esp the ducati corse model. so is this available from all aria dealers or only via the ducati dealerships?
I've got the same lid but in a Nicky Hayden stylee (as has Dave offav here) and I think we paid £350 from Helmet City.
Thats the 2013 Arai Ducati helmet saw it in Riders round the 700 mark mind you if one could be got for 350 I'd have one. Nice though. Would be interested in feedback from someone who has one.
The Arai RX7 GP is a great helmet although they still suffer from the wind noise like the corsair model and the chin bar is still a very close design but saying all of that I don't think I'll buy another brand. Oh yes and the GP model is a different visor design from the corsair.
Yep. End of the line bargain. I prefer the styling as well. Wearing Ducati branded helmet, leathers, gloves or boots feels just a bit too naff for me. Each to their own though.
You have a point mind you all bike gear is in your face branded . So at the end of the day we are all influenced if you didn't give a shit you'd buy a good no name.