Yay! 54p per day!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Fack U Cameron! This sort of glib pissy politics really gets on my wick... There he is, basking in his parents fortunes, and he comes out with this crap!

    BBC News - David Cameron unveils marriage tax breaks plan

    What a tosser! So, for the price of a Mars Bar a day he is aiming to win voters?...
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  2. A bit of a pointless offer isn't it
  3. Why should marriage deserve a tax break? I can't see the logic.
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  4. You can't see my wife either.

    not really....she's lovely
  5. Its only because he's recently married, give it 5 - 7 years and his next thing will be tax breaks for divorcees and fathers rights
  6. Married couples cost a lot less to the government than split homes. The incentive to marry and stay married needs to be a lot more than that poxy offer though.
  7. I have to agree with you RadiheadR6. Dangle a carrot for years then when it finally arrives it is all shriveled up, pathetic.

    It does make you think that these posh boys haven't got a clue.

    Marriage is an institution that should be encouraged, but not endured at all costs.
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  8. because the Daily Mail says so
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  9. Rewarding beneficial behaviour makes a pleasant change ?
  10. Who cares, Camerons just bought me a new back tyre next year.

  11. Well he hasn't me so that makes him a @##€
  12. Marriage - Betting someone half your shit that you'll love them forever
  13. So ... we are giving away 54p per day, per couple, to people who are going to stay together regardless of some pathetic 54p/day bribe. And we are going to deprive couples who choose to separate of the 54p/day, who wouldn't be staying together, regardless of any pathetic 54p/day bribe.

    Wow, way to motivate and punish. I am in awe.
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  14. Its just what they do, its party conference season and each party has 'given' something 'worth' half a billionish. This the conservatives present. Lib dems was free school meals, Labour was child care. I's all a load of bollocks cos not one of them said how they would implement the estimated 25 billion of cuts needed to balance the economy. That's what we should be arguing about, not some piffling publicity stunt.

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  15. i agree with Fig............next thing we will be giving loads of time and money to people just because they chose to have kids.......:rolleyes:
  16. I had to pay out for a Wallnut Whip each month, just so people can run around a running track.
  17. It strikes me that the guvmint would earn more revenue from two individuals who are both working than a couple who's softer half has took one for the team and is now at home pumping out sprogs. It's us singletons that should get the tax breaks:mad:
  18. Absolutely. Only the defict, the difference between the governments income and expenditure, is currently about £125 billion per year :eek:

    It doesn't sound so much when it is expressed as £4000 per second.
  19. But who is going to pay for your retirement and wipe your arse in your dotage ? The ponzie scheme falls over without fresh blood.
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  20. why should i be penalised because im single?

    perhaps if i'd fathered loads of different kids from different mothers then maybe i'd be eligible for a tax break>
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