You know life is great when......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. What about when you were a stripper? :rolleyes:
  2. ..after you crossed the border into France.
  3. im fairly sure ive seen christain pfieffer do that, but he incorporated it into his act...doesnt sound as artistic as you though to be fair.
  4. I was chatting to couple of bikers at a cafe on Thursday got on mine to ride off and should have moved back a bit before riding off the lack of steering lock almost meant I was going to plough into their pride and joys, a mega wobble ensued (didnt drop it thank God) and I rode off feeling like a prize twat. :rolleyes:

    Thanks for sharing your moments, makes me feel slightly better
  5. I had a BMW E30 M3 a few years back, and at a T junction thought I could nip out between a pair of buses coming each way. Too many revs and a limited slip diff resulted in a 180 degree spin and a stalled engine. As the buses slowed to a stop whilst I re-started the car and got out the way, all I could see was one of the drivers giving me a slow hand clap, and a load of laughing school kids! Oh the shame!
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  6. i had one of those.
    coupe in estoril blue
    loved it

    actually mine was an e36 :rolleyes:
  7. No, it was that bikerish café somewhere in the south of the Lake District. I expect plenty of people know the one. I was living in Liverpool at the time.
  8. Other very uncool things to do:

    Overtake a family saloon that is in your way and hoon off into the distance. A few corners later you bin it through over enthusiasm. The saloon stops and the driver helps you drag your bike out of the hedge and get it upright as his wife and kids look on. Other cars are backed up. "I thought you were going a bit fast," says the driver, looking at you as if at a moron.

    One minute a cool knight in shining leathers and helmet. The next a complete fuckwit.

    Yes. I have done this too. :smile:
  9. I am obviously not trying hard enough compared to you lot :biggrin:
  10. Devil's Bridge by Kirkby Lonsdale ?
  11. that's the one.
  12. You run out of fuel on the way home....after passing a petrol station less then two miles back :frown:
  13. The old Katana 1100 had a bit of a flat spot just off tickover that caught me out a couple of times in the pub car park. Fookin' heavy bike that was, too. Both times I looked round to see if I'd been spotted, only to see the beer garden packed solid and everyone looking directly at me.

    An old flame recently reminded me of an incident from my schooldays that I had successfully forgotten. Riding my fizzie round the school roundabout trying to impress the girlies, achieving ever more dramatic angles of lean, sparks bouncing off the pedal. All was going well til the fuel in the float bowl ran out - I'd forgotten to turn the fuel tap on. You wouldn't believe how much gravel rash you can pick up at 20mph:frown:
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  14. Oh, and never use your ignition key to prize apart binding brake pads, then break it, in the middle of sodding nowhere. Cos the first person that comes past will be your life-long buddy who will rip the piss out of you mercilessly for years afterwards:mad:
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